Chapter 34

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Enrique's P.O.V

So finally Natalie came to talk to me. God knows, if she didn't come today then I would've lost it. I didn't talk to her for almost four days and it killed me. It so felt like eternity.

I was dying to meet her, talk to her, see her innocent face, hear her melodious voice....

When I called uncle Williams to check up on her, I almost asked him to give phone to Natalie!

I totally acted like a jerk and was selfish more than I ever was. She had something worse going on and I had to show my bloody jealousy over that guy. She needed to rely on me. So what if she pushed me and chose him? He knows her for a long time, of course she would be more comfortable with him.

Only if I knew her before...

But I just couldn't act rationally and I know if that ever happened again, I won't be able to hold back either. It's not that I am jealous of him because he knew her before me or she relies on him more than me.

It's just that guy gives me negative vibes. Like the way he looks at my girl, I feel like he's not just a friend and everytime I find him looking at her like that, my blood boils and I want to pull those eyes out of it's socket!

Even though she came to talk to me and we solved out everything in the end and she even tried to lighten the tense atmosphere by her smile but I could see she was still hurting.

She was smiling but she wasn't smiling at all. I could feel her pain even though she was trying her best to hide it. I felt even more guilty.

I made her apologize to me but that wasn't what I wanted. She didn't tell me the reason behind that all so I decided to ask her parents because who knows when will she ever open up to me....


Next day, I told Natalie to delay our outing and she was relaxed because she wanted to have some rest and she should relax.

Just in few days her complexion was getting darker and she started to get bags underneath her eyes. She was still suffering which was driving me crazy. What has happened that made her look this devastated? Her smiles are fake, her happiness is fake... she really is the best actor!

After confirming that she would be attending classes till afternoon, I called uncle Williams and asked him if he would be at home one hour after an hour. He told me he just had an urgent meeting to attend and then he would go back to his home.

I attended my class and decided to bunk the last one. Then drove my car to her home. Luckily aunt Katherine was also there. They both welcomed me very warmly. I was glad they liked me. I am going to need their support in future!

"So son, what's up these days?" Uncle Williams asked while switching the television off.

"Nothing much uncle! Just the usual routine of university." I replied smiling a little.

"Which year were you in again?" He asked again while trying to think by scrunching up his eyebrows in confusion.

"Second year. I still have time to join my dad's business if that's what you're trying to ask." I spoke while smiling mischeiviously.

"Hahaha that's exactly what I wanted to ask." He chuckled at my statement and spoke again.

I was trying to form words but I didn't know how to ask them. I went all expressionless and started fidgeting with my fingers anxiously.

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