Chapter 46

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Natalie's  P.O.V

After session, I went back home. I was relaxed after talking to dr. Evelyn. She's such a sweetheart. She always listens everything, being genuinely concerned.

So Enrique told her too...

Does he really love me? This could be just physical attraction. We're good friends. Maybe he's confused in between infatuation and love. But what do I know about love? Why can't I just give it a try? Why can't I make myself say yes to him?

Because you don't trust him enough. My conscience replied. Yes. I don't trust him that much.

Can't he just give me sometime? Why is he pushing everything? We can see other people, probably that would change his mind too and if it didn't then I'll give it a try after sometime but not now. I want something casual not something that serious which he's looking for. I was so indulged in my thoughts that I didn't notice mom sitting next to me.

"Natalie?" She called me while nudging my arm lightly.

"Oh, Mom. When did you come?" I looked at her and asked shrugging my thoughts away.

"I've been calling you for two minutes. What's wrong? Why are you looking so serious?" She asked in a concerned voice, stroking my hair lightly.

"It's nothing, mom. I was just thinking what to do with my life next." I smiled at her to assure her and spoke sighing a little.

"That's my baby girl. You should think. I've something to talk you about too." She got relaxed and smiled back while taking my hand in her's.

"Yes mom? What's up?" I questioned scrunching up my eyebrows a little.

"I've arranged a date for you. It's been a long time since you went on one. Things have changed. Right? So move on. I want to see my only daughter get married someday. I can't wait long."

She spoke hurriedly while pouting in the end with a sullen face. I started laughing at her cuteness.

"Hahaha mom. Come on. I am just twenty. I've a lot of time before I could finally start going for something that serious."

"Yeah. But your process is too slow. You won't be a mother even at thirty by the speed you're going right now." She shook her head in disapproval lightly and spoke with a frown on her beautiful face

"Hahaha God! Mom, stop it."

She smiled at my reaction then asked in a serious tone again.

"So tell me when are you free? I'll arrange the date accordingly."

"Who's the guy?" I asked curiously.

"I won't tell you this time. Go and meet. Ask him whatever you want yourself."

"Mom, why so suspicious? Tell me first who's he?" I asked in irritation. Why won't she tell me?

"No. Can't you do something for your mother's happiness once?" She asked while placing a hand on her heart dramatically.

"Urggghh! I hate your emotional blackmailing. Fine, I'll go. But not this week. Next week on Wednesday maybe." I groaned loudly at that then agreed anyway thinking of it to be a distraction from recent events.

"Okay. It's decided then. Go take a shower. Let's have lunch."

I wanted to ask her what is love? She's a mom so she'll have a answer right?

"Mom, what is---" But I stopped in the middle. God knows what she'll make out of it like I am in love or something. So I shrugged the thought.

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