Chapter 8

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Natalie's P.O.V

"And then I slapped him." I said in a casual tone.

"You what? Oh my God! Are you saying that you slapped 'Enrique Montario' ?" Victoria spoke being shocked at my announcement.

"He ruined my coat Victoria, my favorite coat and that's not it, he was rude and instead of apologizing he asked me if I wanted his number. Hell I would tolerate such nonsense." I was getting angry now.

"He did what? Oh God. Such an awesome opportunity! Why that wasn't me? I would've taken his number gladly." Victoria sighed loudly.

"What the hell? Why are you so concerned about his number and all? Is he your friend or is it me? Actually don't bother. I can tell how much you adore that jerk. You've clearly forgotten our friendship." I was getting irritated at her behavior.

"Hahaha oh my. How can I forget my sweet little Natie? It's just that i've a crush on that guy for 6 months. I tried so hard to seduce him but he still won't budge. Damn he's so hot Natalie how did it feel when you touched his handsome face?" She was asking me now very curiously with a serious face.

"Damn it ! Are you for real? You like that idiot? And he's hot you think ? Hell no. He's not hot at all. And I slapped him Victoria, I wasn't caressing his cheeks. How did that felt you ask? Well it made me feel like I am in heaven, seeing my finger prints on his stupid face felt that good. Now stop mentioning that ass hole otherwise I'll have to make new friends here." I said in a dead serious tone.

Having no choice she fell silent and we started talking about other things.


Ryan's P.O.V

"Hello Victoria. How are you? You look gorgeous by the way." I greeted Victoria.

"Well i am fine and thanks Ryan you're not so bad yourself." Victoria replied while checking me out.

"Well I can see that I am looking handsome as ever by your eye- scanning." I said in a husky voice.

"Only if I didn't have a crush on your best friend I would've totally gone for you." She winked at me.

"Hahaha well what can I say. He's not an easy person you should know it by now but keep trying." I suggested to cheer her up. I knew she has been trying for a while but Enrique isn't someone who would change his mind just like that.

"Yeah I don't think I can wait any longer, I am going on a date tonight. But still he'll always be someone I really liked." She spoke smiling a little.

"A date? Girl ! Good for you. Just foget about him. Hope it goes well." I wished her sincerely.

"Thanks Ryan. You tell what's up these days? Anyone new?" She asked me.

Finally a topic I wanted to bring up, I thought.

"Well actually I am into someone and I need your help a little in this matter." I blurted out finally.

"Help? From me? Oh man when did Ryan ever needed someone's help to get a girl?" She was stunned at my words.

"Because she's a girl you know very well." I said which made her curious.

"I know her? Who's she?" She asked in return.

"Natalie Williams." I told her at last in a low voice.

She looked at me with uncertainty. Her jaw dropped in shock and then she started laughing hysterically.

"Hahaha you haha like haha Natalie? Hahaha." She couldn't say that without laughing which made me frustrated.

"What's with the reaction Victoria? What's there to laugh about?" I asked being a little angry now.

Looking at my serious face she composed herself and after laughing a bit more she finally replied.

"Forget about it Ryan. She's not a girl you can seduce with your looks."

"Look I don't know why you think that I don't stand any chance against her but let me tell you I really like her and I really want her to be my girlfriend." I spoke sincerely.

"Ryan please don't get me wrong or anything but she's hell rigid. You can try if you want but she only goes with guys she likes, not with the guys who like her." She said with a serious face.

"Alright I can understand what you're trying to say but I want to act upon my feelings for her. I don't want to regret later for not doing anything so just tell me a little bit of her likes and interests and I won't bother you again." I said in a convincing tone.

"Fine whatever! Just don't come running back to me later and tell me how badly she treated you and all." She said in a convincing tone for me to rethink my decision.

"Haha I won't, I promise." I said laughing a little".


Two chapters in a row. Aren't I awesome? :D

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Good night readers :)

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