Chapter 51- First Kiss

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Enrique's P.O.V

Next day I woke up earlier than usual. This was the day I had been looking forward too. A day when we were going to an event first time officially as a couple together. I cross matched my outfit with her's. I chose to wear a black tuxedo with navy blue shirt and black tie.

Her dress was black and navy blue just like mine. I made sure that the dress don't reveal her beautiful milky skin underneath since I didn't want perverts to ogle over what's mine. I was excited nervous and more excited all in all.

I took a long warm shower and made my nerves calm down a little bit then wore my slim fitted two button tuxedo and applied cologne all over me again and again. I need to look perfect. I have to look perfect for her. I did my hair as short spiky style with low cut.

After making sure that every inch of my body was oozing sexiness, I was ready before time and was sitting on my bed looking at her painting deeply. I had planned everything from the start and though it was after a lot of suffering but she said yes.

I wanted to kiss her with all my might but would it be okay? Am I moving things fast? She's my girlfriend now so I can do that right? Or should I wait a little bit more?

I reached her house before the decided time. I knocked on the door and aunt greeted me with a wide smile and spoke in a playful tone.

"Oh my! Someone is looking fine."

I smiled at that and walked inside the house.
"Really? I hope she thinks the same."

"Yeah, we'll have to see about that. She's upstairs. Do you want to go or..."

"No, I'll wait here. I don't want her to pull my perfect hair. It took a lot of effort to make them look like that." I spoke with a hint of mischeiviousness and smiled playfully.

She started laughing at that. We kept talking for fifteen more minutes when I heard heels clicking on the floor. I looked up and there she was climbing down the stairs with all her glory. Her curves were prominent through the dress. Even though the dress wasn't revealing at all but she looked even more sexy in it. A very little part of her long lean toned legs was showing up underneath.

Hot. That's all I felt in that moment. All my blood rushed to my cheeks. I clutched my fists tightly to control my stupid self for reacting like that. She was talking to someone on the phone so she didn't notice me and I was rethinking my decision to attend the event.

Should I just kidnap her? Will it be unlawful?

Aunt stood up from the couch and went near her.
"Natalie, Enrique has been waiting for you."

She was standing near kitchen. After hearing that she ended the call and before she could even look at me, aunt cupped her face lovingly and spoke adorably.

"You look lovely dear."

She smiled at that then aunt moved aside to let her take a good look at me. She looked at me and smiled lightly. It was magic. In that very moment if someone even stabbed me with a knife I wouldn't mind. I was that much engrossed admiring the purest form of beauty in front of me.

Bouncy light curles of her hair were falling on either side of her shoulder. She was wearing red lipstick just like the one in her painting. Her long eyelashes, her prominent cheek bone, her light brown shiny angelic orbs, her well defined nose and again her lips, those inviting plump luscious lips.

Control. You have to control.

That's what I kept repeating in my head. Then I strode forward to stand near her and looked straight into her eyes. I was staring like there was no tomorrow without even giving a damn about the fact that her mom was there too.

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