Chapter 6

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Natalie's P.O.V

Today was possibly the worst day ever. I moved to New York one week ago and was starting to get used to the city but no it's "Natalie Williams " how can there be a peaceful day. I moved here thinking I'll just silently pass these graduation years and be done with it.

But that bastard ruined my day. I was going to meet my friends today which i was particularly excited about. When I was in Brazil, I had a group of three close friends Irina, Ashley and Victoria.

We all were friends since I was 12 years old. We shared a close bonding. We practically saw each other growing. We made a pact that we had to stay like this forever and together. So we decided that we'll study hard and will go to the top University in New York together. It was our dream. But fate doesn't go with what we want. It always has it's own plans.

After that accident, even after getting accepted I couldn't go to that University. That was one horrible year of my life. All of my dreams, all my plans were shattered just like that.

After going back to a little bit of my old self, I gave another test for the University and I got accepted. Luck was with me this time, so I was finally going to get reunited with my besties. I told them a day before about my arrival as I knew if I told them a week ago when I arrived here they would have been all over me and I needed some alone time to settle my mind on the decision I made.

I wasn't going to slap him. It's just that his attitude was disturbing. He fucking ruined my favorite coat and didn't even apologize. Okay fine! I saw that there was some guilt in his eyes but he's not "James bond" why would I let it go without a proper apology.

Would he have died if he just said a simple word 'sorry'? No right? But instead he asked me if I wanted his number.

I could clearly see he had Prince syndrome. But boy seduce a girl who wants to get seduced and then another bombshell, he was sitting in my introductory class. Why God? This was supposed to be a refreshing day.

It was all bright and shiny until I saw him. I literally felt that it was because of his sole presence that the whole class turned into a coal mine. I didn't even mind his friend flirting with me but when I saw him totally checking me out, I cringed so much that I wanted to slap the fuck out of his stupid face again.

Freaking pervert is my class mate. Aaaaah it's going to be a long semester...

Enrique's P.O.V

I came back from University early because of all that shit. What the hell just happened today? A girl slapped me and I didn't even do anything to stop her. I've never forgiven unless someone begs for it. I had some anger issues and every time I got pissed at someone I never cared if it was a guy or a girl, I always got my revenge one way or another.

But this time it was different. My parents have never even scolded me. That was my first slap. I should be hell angry right? I should be thinking of 101 ways to kill her or get back at her in anyway. But the problem was that I didn't pay any attention to any of that.

All I kept thinking was, how beautiful and how elegant she looked and this is making me frustrated now. Am I attracted to her?

No way. She's not my type. She's not beautiful. She's probably same like every other girl and her slap was to get attention from others and me. Yes that's the reason. Focus man. Don't give her what she wants. Don't even think about her. Ignore her simply.  She's dangerous for me...very dangerous.

Next morning right when I entered in the university, I heard a familiar voice full of worry.

"Oh my God. Enrique baby, I am so sorry, I wasn't here for you yesterday . Just tell me the name of that bitch. I'll slap her twice as hard as she slapped you." It was none other than Helen who followed me in university like a shadow.

She claimed to be my girlfriend for 2 whole years. I kept telling her that we were never going to happen specifically because of her whoring around. But she wouldn't budge. Hell I hate girls who stick themselves to guys like glue.

Wait? Did she call 'Natalie' a bitch?  An unexpected anger wave started rising inside me.

"Who the hell you think you're to abuse her like that? She slapped me, not you. That's none of your fucking business so stay the fuck out. I've enough of your shit already." I snapped back at her.

I got so angry that I clenched my jaw and was totally shivering in anger. She flinched back at my reaction.

All this time she stalked me, made a fuss every time I was with a girl and tried to seduce me in every way possible but I always ignored her and here she was talking about my enemy in an insulting tone and I lost myself completely.

Something was happening to me without even me realizing it .

I moved forward completely ignoring her shocked face and made my way to the class and the first thing I wanted to notice was the last seat where she sat yesterday.

And there she was.... looking breathtakingly pretty in her white crochet dress, sitting and reading some book, completely oblivious to her surroundings.

 looking breathtakingly pretty in her white crochet dress, sitting and reading some book, completely oblivious to her surroundings

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Only if she knew it was me who was staring at her, I am sure she would've given me a hard ass punch!!!


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