Chapter 31

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Enrique's  P.O.V

Natalie had been ignoring me for past two days. I had been calling her continuously but she didn't pick up instead she just texted me that she was busy. But it didn't look like it was just that. Even yesterday she skipped her classes and went back to her place.

Ashley told me that she had a headache so she left early but that couldn't convince me. It was obvious that she was hiding something.

Whatever! I had planned to go to Brazil so I thought I'll tell her first. But it's okay, I'll give her a surprise instead but little did I know that it would be me who would get surprised...


As planned I reached there on Sunday. I called Uncle Williams to know about their current location. Strangely he sounded reluctant to tell me. When I asked about Natalie he said I shouldn't meet her today. What the hell? Why shouldn't I? What is she upto? Her cellphone is switched off also. Great!! Making me even more eager to see her! I haven't talked to her in three days already.

He finally told me where they were. It was a house actually more like a mansion. After reaching there I got even more confused. It looked like it was a memorial service. Why is she here? I was still deep in thought when I saw her coming out of the house I started walking towards her but before I could even reach her, she got in a cab and went away. I ran back to my car and followed that cab.

It stopped near a cemetery and she got out. Her back was facing me so I couldn't look at her face. I parked my car and started walking where I saw her walking two minutes ago. I was standing on a staircase and was searching everywhere, my eyes on ever corner of the cemetery.

Then I finally found her and my breathing pattern became irregular. She was sitting beside a grave sobbing, screaming, crying hysterically. She didn't look like Natalie. She shouldn't be my Natalie. Why is she here? Why is she crying like that? Please God, let it be an illusion. I was walking towards her, my footsteps were slower ignoring the possibility of her being here. Her vision was becoming clearer.
She was Natalie!

It was raining and she was completely drenched in rain. Her eyes were red and swollen because of crying. Her lips and hands were shivering so much. She was nothing like the girl, I knew. She looked so broken so much in pain so weak and fragile. I sat down beside her, I was still not sure if she was her. She looked so much like Natalie but nothing like her.

"Natalie?" I finally managed to speak in a whisper. She looked up and stood up quickly then turned her back towards me not to make me see her face.

"Why are you here? Go away. Leave me alone."

She was still crying and I could tell she had trouble speaking. I again went near her, tried to turn her towards me. I wanted to be there for her. Whatever it was, it wasn't just affecting her, I was hurting too.

Seeing her like that was so painful, tears were flowing down my cheeks. This was the second time, I was crying and again because of her. I wanted to hug her, tell her that I was here for her, I'll always be here for her but she just pushed me so hard, I faltered on my steps. I was looking at her in shock.

"I don't need your sympathy. Just fucking get the hell out of here. Leave me alone. I don't need anyone!!" 

She yelled back in response with so much hate in her eyes.

"Not even your best friend?" A voice came behind me. I turned around and glued to the ground. It was Adrian!

He was looking at her so passionately,with so much care in her eyes. I looked back at Natalie and she was looking at him the same way like they were the only people standing there.

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