Chapter 59

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Natalie's P.O.V

After I was back to my house I was angry and frustrated at peak. I never faced much problems in my life before except that Irina part. But ever since I have started dating Enrique my life has become a visual representation of rollercoaster. Seriously one day we're happy and contented as hell and the next we're fighting. He just doesn't appreciate what I am doing for him. I even ignored Adrian for him.

Dad wanted to introduce me to some families. But I refused it at the party since I knew if Enrique saw me talking to any guy he would've lost it again. I am putting that much effort in this relationship but he's refusing to let go of his insecurities. One more time and I'll kill him. That's it.

After I came back from university I called Adrian and told him to come to my house. This was finally time to clear things between us. He came after an hour. I was right. He had lost weight. He looked weak and there were bags underneath his eyes. He didn't look like my Adrian at all.

I gestured him to sit on the couch and sat beside him. We both remained silent and that silence made me shift on the couch uncomfortably. He was still looking at the floor when he started speaking finally.

"How was life after me Natalie? Did you miss me?"

I looked up at him and answered in a serious tone.

"You should already know the answer by now. I missed you so damn much specially that one month when you refused to even reply me."

He still didn't look at me making me lose my calm. Hasn't he ignored me enough?  I softly touched his forearm to which he looked back at me immediately. His eyes were red. But that didn't stop me either. I spoke again looking dead into his eyes so that he could feel the honesty of my words.

"Adrian? I am sorry. I don't have much explanation for why I accepted him because whatever I'll tell you, you would consider it to be an excuse. But trust me when I say this that I never wanted to date him. He was always just a friend to me just as much as you are. You're my best friend. You're my family more than that. I can't lose you. You can stay mad at me yell at me curse me for all I care. Just don't say that you don't want to be friends anymore. I won't let you do that. This friendship means the world to me."

I retracted back my hand from his forearm at the end and waited for his reply impatiently. His fists and jaws were clenched and he had the most frustrated look on his face I've ever seen. He replied at last after which felt like hours in a low tone.

"Do you think it matters any less to me? I wish we didn't had that strong bond Natalie. I can't even let you go when I already know that I have to do it eventually. What do I do? You tell me. I feel much more frustrated than you do. I can't help it. My feelings for you can never change. I know everything that happened before. I know why you accepted him. How he emotionally blackmailed you. You care for him too much to let him die. Just answer me honestly would you have said yes if I did the same?"

If he did the same? Committing a suicide? How could he even say that to me?  I looked at him in disbelief, my lips parted in shock not believing what my ears just heard. He lightly touched my hand which was placed on my knee and spoke without meeting my eyes.

"I won't do it. Just answer me honestly."

I answered quickly not to drag the useless conversation any further.

"You were my friend first. No one can replace you Adrian. I can never imagine you in that condition. Don't talk about it."

He leaned back on the couch and sighed lightly. He kept breathing heavily then crossed his arms while muttering in an authoritative and threatening tone.

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