Chapter 60

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Enrique's  P.O.V

We were in university when she told me that she needed a week for shifting. She agreed finally. I was on cloud twenty. It was a dream to live with her. To have her around, to see her anytime I want, to look at her face every night before sleeping and every morning after waking up.

When I kissed after entering in our apartment the way she kissed me back felt so unusual but so heaven like. It felt like she was talking to me through that kiss. Her tongue entered in my mouth which made me shocked as hell. She's just so bold so hot so cute that everytime we kiss I want to take it to another level.

It happened that night too. She pressed her lips on my shoulder and I moaned. Fuck this shit. What would she think of me? That I was thinking about.... Idiot, is that a lie though?

So what if I was thinking about that? I don't plan to stay virgin for the rest of my life. It's her first day in your apartment and you're thinking about sex? What a great lover. Go to hell you lusty leopard.

That night I slapped myself to sleep. She was just a door away from me and I was feeling anxious at it's peak. I placed a hand on my heart and begged my mind to not make me do something stupid in the future. I was happy like I had never been. Everything I wanted to do with her was all happening now.

Next morning I woke up early than usual. The moment I opened my eyes a smiled formed on my lips. I took a quick warm shower and wore a black t-shirt with blue jeans and stepped out of my room nervously. She was still in her room. Should I knock?  What if she's still asleep? What if I disturbed her by knocking?

I was standing in front of her room still contemplating what to do when the door opened up slowly revealing my angel behind it. She was wearing a white t-shirt with white trouser. Her hair tied up in a lose ponytail leaving some strands on her face. A quote on the upper part of the shirt caught my attention.

'Beautiful? Yes I am scorpio.'

Haha so cute. Yes angel the most beautiful person I ever met in my life.

As she noticed me her eyes narrowed and then without waiting for me to speak she started walking towards the couch in the living room. She sat on it and switched on the television. I kept looking at her for any emotions because of last night but she remained unaffected then she finally looked at me and raised her eyebrows.


I went near her and sat closely looking deep into her light brown shining pearls and spoke smiling widely, mischievousness evident in my tone.

"Why are you acting like nothing happened last night? Like you didn't kiss me so passionately?"

She replied in a challenging tone provoking me to my core.
"I didn't kiss you."

I was a little taken aback by her words but I saw it coming. I spoke again this time with a genuine smile sighing in between, scenes from last night dancing in front of my eyes.

"Yes, you did and what a kiss it was."

She raised her voice pouting angrily while crossing her arms.
"I said I didn't kiss you."

I instantly knew it wasn't her who was provoking me. It was me who was trying to get on her nerves so I surrendered throwing hands in air in defeat.

"Fine. You didn't."

She looked satisfied at that then she averted her gaze back to tv and questioned in all seriousness.
"Who's going to prepare breakfast?"

I replied quickly placing a hand on my heart.
"I will."

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