Chapter 35

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This chapter is dedicated to my first commenter of this book happinesscute11 .

Are you crying? Ssshhh! It's okay girl, I feel you :D


Natalie's  P.O.V

So what the hell just happened today? He hugged me! What was that? He was crying like a baby. Almost in the way, I've always cried because of Irina. I was shocked to see him so vulnerable like that. He's a guy. A very manly guy on top of that.

And what did he say? He loves someone? I've always thought of him to be a playboy. He's handsome, rich, well educated, decent and everything girls go after. I never imagined him to be a relationship type of guy. For once, I thought maybe he was just kidding or something but they say eyes don't lie and I saw the honesty in his orbs.

He hugged me so tightly like if he didn't hold me, I was gonna disappear into thin air. I tried to push him because that felt so awkward but he didn't let me. My hands were on his chest and his heart was beating so fast, If I didn't place my hand on it then it was going to burst out open.

He told me to make him calm but I was too shocked and confused at his behavior, I didn't know what to do. He grabbed my hands and wrapped them around his neck. It was such an intimidating position but I felt like that with him only. Before, whenever I hugged Adrian, I was comfortable. I knew his touch.

Whoever she is, I hope she loves him back. One sided love drives you insane. I don't want him to suffer for something so stupid as unrequited love. Irina went through the same thing and it killed her.

I was thinking about all that when I suddenly heard my phone ringing. It was Enrique, just the right time to call! I picked up.

"Hey, why haven't you slept yet?" He asked anxiously. Why he always calls me to ask such useless questions?

"I was going to..." I spoke in a low voice still trying to think if I should ask him about the reason behind his breakdown earlier.

"Okay..." He replied in the same tone.

"So??" I questioned.

I didn't know what to ask, he clearly didn't want to involve me in his personal matters.

"What??" He asked in confusion.

"Good night?" I questioned again. This was the first time, I tried to wish him on my own.

"I can't sleep." He sighed lightly and answered back.

"Why not?" I asked again.

He's still disturbed... but why am I feeling this anxious for him? I really started caring for him. Things really moved fast between us. One day I hated him to my core and next I let him hug me.

"I am trying to but I just can't. Can you stay awake for me a little?" He asked frustration evident in his tone.

"How will that help you?"

"We can talk until I start dozing off or if you're sleepy you can sleep. Just don't disconnect the call." He gave me the most illogical explanation there ever was.

Maybe he needs company... but why is he continuously looking for me when he needs someone? Don't people look out for those who are close to them in time of need? We are not close, not at all.

I decided to ask him finally but only word came out of my mouth was his name. He clearly doesn't trust you. Stop being so desperate about it!

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