Chapter 26

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Natalie's P.O.V

I was talking to uncle Montario when I felt someone's presence. I looked up and it was none other than 'the great Enrique'. I was shocked how could he lie like that. He said he never came here and I believed that.

Then he even told our parents that I was the one approaching him but I didn't mind that he said it all jokingly.I was angry at his behavior, he always does that, not taking into account if I want something or not, he does it anyway.

What's the point of being friends if he's going to act like he's the almighty greek God. When he said sorry, I calmly told him about my thoughts which thank God made some sense in his brain. He stretched his hand out for a handshake while tilting his head a little, he was looking like a baby. I laughed internally at his childish attitude.

Ashely came out of the elevator and hugged me tightly at which we heard him sighing loudly. She saw him and whispered in my ear.

"I see, Victoria's body is also here."

We both laughed at that. Rest of the event went pretty smoothly. He didn't bother me, I saw him talking to some business colleagues of his father. He was looking extremely professional talking like that. I admired that because first time in forever he looked like uncle Montario's son with that calm and collective aura.


I was sitting in the library working on an assignment when I saw him sitting opposite to me at the same table. I looked at him then again buried myself into work. He won't bug just like always and I can't deal with it. I have to complete this assignment today.

True to his words, he didn't disturb me at all. He kept reading some book. After one hour, I was done finally so I packed my stuff and went outside. I heard him calling me.

"Natalie wait."
I stopped and turned back.

"Hi how are you?" He spoke after reaching a little near with his smiley face. Sometimes I can't believe that he can smile that much. He was so rude in start and always had that resting bitch face.

"I am fine. You?" I replied returning his smile.

"Never been better." He said while nodding his head slightly looking into my eyes. I always feel like he doesn't just look at my face while talking, he looks into my eyes like dead into my eyes. It feels a little weird sometimes. His gaze is so intense.

"Good." I replied shortly.

"Actually I was wondering if you're free tomorrow?" He asked while grabbing his neck with his right hand. Wait. Is he going to kill himself?

"Not really, I have consecutive classes. Tuesday is always a hectic day for me." I answered honestly.

"Okay Wednesday?" He again asked while narrowing his eyes a little.

"Yes probably, I will be. Why?"

"Go with me to a showroom. I have to buy a car and I want to buy it keeping in mind a girl's point of view." He said that but this time looking everywhere except me.

"Hahaha trying to impress some girl, I see." I teased him playfully.

"Yes totally!" He sighed lightly but this time looking back at me.

"But how can you be so sure if I'll be any help. Girls don't know much about cars usually."

"It's okay. You just have to help me chose the color and model."

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