-Meet the Characters-

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♈️Aries Ram
Gender: Male
Element: Fire
Best Friends: Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, secretly Scorpio
Ruling planet: Mars

Appearance: He have red hair that is quite spiky and fierce yellow eyes. He have Ram horns on his head that he finds annoying because Leo would tease him about it. He always have a confident smirk on his face as well as a y'all and strong physique.

Personality: Cheerful and energetic. He's the oldest of the Zodiac group and he's always there to liven things up. You could feel fire radiating off of him when he is angry or fired up. Gets annoyed and furious easily. Rushes a lot. Doesn't like school that much. Normally wears sports clothes and he have really good sportsmanship. He sometimes behaves like an idiot in serious matters to lighten the mood. As much as he hates it, he is really close friends with Scorpio later on and they normally go training together. He may not seem like it but he cares about Sagittarius and Leo more than anything. He'll do anything in his power to keep them safe if any of the two got into danger or trouble
Crush: Sagittarius

♉️Taurus Bull
Gender: Male
Element: Earth
Best Friends: Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius
Ruling planet: Venus

Appearance: He have soft hazel brown hair and gentle darkish green eyes. He's the tallest of the Zodiacs and he have a very strong build and broad shoulders. He is said to be the most 'masculine' male of them all. He have bull horns and tail that some people said looks like devil horns and tail. He is very anxious with his bull features.

Personality: Very gentle and reassuring to have around. He's really loyal and extremely empathetic and will listen to what you have to say. Depends on what project, he is sometimes lazy and sometimes he is really determined and hardcore. He's extremely stubborn and pretty intelligent. Shares food with everyone. Probably everyone's favourite friend to have around. Pretty patient and will get aggressive if you took too long. He always have a soft spot in his heart for the Earth squadron.
Crush: Let's say he likes..... someone unique.

♊️Gemini Twin
Gender: Male
Element: Air
Best Friends: Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Leo.
Ruling planet: Mercury

Appearance: He have blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. He always have a cheerful smile on his face and he is said to be one of the weakest people of the Zodiacs. He is said to not have any inhuman features.

Personality: Intelligent and bubbly. Takes up academic challenges with Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces or others and explores a lot with Aries and Sagittarius. He is the light of everyone around and always makes people smile no matter what situation they're in. He may seem like a happy and cheerful guy but the truth is that he smiles all his pain and sadness away by making others happy. Depends on what sports Gemini plays, it's either not getting involved at all or get straight into it. He always admire Virgo's vast fields of knowledge yet tease her nonstop with her flaws.
Crush: Virgo

♋️Cancer Crab
Gender: Female
Element: Water
Best Friends: Scorpio, Pisces, Libra
Ruling planet: Moon

Appearance: She have long, soft orange hair and deep blue mysterious eyes. She likes to tie her hair up into twin tails at the side and people find her hairstyle adorable because her hair reminds them of crab pincers. She is one of the shortest of the Zodiacs. She have pincers as hands but was bullied because of it at a young age so she taught herself to transform her pincers into hands over time, impressing others, especially Virgo.

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