Zodiacs? Chinese or Western???

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Aries' POV
"Let's go." Virgo said as she stood up after a minute or two and reached for something shiny on the floor beside the corpse of the female that is alive just then. She picked up a key of some sort. She then took her wand out of her mother's hands. Without hesitation, she stepped over the deceased female and walked towards the giant gate at the near end of the cavern. I couldn't help but to stare at her with a questioning look; how can she be so calm and stable after loosing her mother?!

We all reluctantly followed her. But we have a problem; Pyxis. She just laid on the floor, staring up at the stalactites above with a blank expression. "Uhm, Pyxis?" Ivan asked as he stared at the female in curiousity and concern. "Are you alright?" Aquarius asked. Pyxis shifted her head a bit to our direction before nodding. "I'm alright, don't worry about me. You guys have some more things to handle after all. Go ahead, leave me be. I'll be nothing but a burden if I followed..... Just tell me how it went when we get home oka-" "W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Sagittarius fumed. "You're coming with us." Leo stated as he walked towards the female. "There is no way we can leave our teacher behind...." Libra trailed off and yawned. Looks like she is tired from being so mental around the metals this whole time. I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

Taurus walked over and lifted Pyxis up, bridal style before having Leo to insist on holding her as gently as possible since she is badly injured.
After organising a few things and trying to get all of our acts together, we finally focused on the already opened gate. There is no sign of Virgo whatsoever, she must've went ahead of us. "Welp." Gemini sighed while smiling, "someone is impatient today..." "A-Ah, we should hurry!" Pisces said hesitantly as he walked a bit faster. "Who knows what will happen to Virgo while we're gone?!"

"No. This is an order, go ahead and leave me be." Pyxis affirmed. "You're injured." Capricorn stared harshly. "I'm fine, don't underestimate me." "But Pyxis-" Taurus was cut off by the insistent female. "Taurus, let it go. Just let it go. This is an order, now GO." Suddenly, this wave of weird feeling sweeps through my body and without thinking, I sprinted to the gate. H-huh?! Wait WHAT WHAT AM I DOING?! Looking around, I noticed that everyone have this bewildered or confused expressions on their faces as they run with me, through the gate. I snapped my head back, only to see Pyxis crying and smiling at the same time, giving me a reassuring nod and mouthing something along the lines of "You're the oldest, look after your family." I clicked my tongued nodded. Damn her and her mind controlling!

We slowly slowed down, having to regain control over our bodies again. Before I can sprint back, a voice made me stop. "You sure took your time walking through that gate. Don't worry about Pyxis, please don't underestimate her, please know what if feels like to be capable of something and only to have people weaker than you to help. She is a former warrior after all. She is stronger than you think." Virgo stated, "if you want to go ahead and get her, fight me mate." Everyone stared at Virgo with widened eyes, makes sense since she just said something... I would say? "I-I'll pass..." I trailed off. "Oh? This isn't like you." "Well.... I-I learned... that I must choose my battles.... It's foolish of me to dive forward into a fight I know I won't win but shrug off the fact that someone is stronger than me...." I looked down, those memories lingering in my heart before I continued.

"From those Chinese Zodiac students to you to Nagammai... Y'all are strong. But I ignored that fact and still tried to fight all of you.... Then you and... M-Mrs Maiden, that intense battle..... Then I.... I realised that I'm weak. There is no way I can win at fighting you or Mrs Maiden and maybe other people that I know of, and I bet there are plenty of other strong people in the world..." Everyone looked at me, mouth agape. "W-what?" I asked, feeling my face getting warmer and warmer. "Aries...." Taurus said in a surprise tone, smiling. "Looks like this rash idiot is finally growing up." Scorpio chuckled. "S-shut up!" I shot back. "Heehee, I'd never thought I'd see Aries as someone like a reliable big brother!" Cancer laughed. "S-SHUT UP CRAB!" "..." Virgo slowly walked towards me and then placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm glad you've learned.... To be honest, I always admire you for your rash, daring and courageous nature and choices. Anyways, we should get going."

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