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Taurus' POV
To be honest, meeting them seems to trigger something inside of me. I'm sure everyone will agree with me; I feel this... connection with the so-called descendant of mine.

From Aries growling at the warrior in front of him laughing while patting his back to the two healers staring intently at the Rams to the Lions complementing each other and pulling stunts to two pairs of twins talking while laughing to the Maidens acknowledging each other to Libra and her descent gossiping about fashion to Scorpio sparring with the older male to Sagittarius and Capricorn bonding with their descents and finally Aquarius and Pisces with their... uhm, unique conversations, we all seems to be enjoying ourselves.

I honestly though this is going to last forever, the atmosphere seems so... lighthearted and enjoyable, unlike those reunions that I've used to attend to. "Oh? Are reunions really that bad?" I looked up at the older male in utter confusion. How does he kno- "Earth Magic." He chuckled, "but not as good as the Maidens and the Sea-Goats. Us bulls are the valkyries that fight alongside with the Ram, Lion, with our trustworthy Archer backing us up and our Quintessential assassin of the shadows, the Scorpion."

"That sounds.... very interesting... much interesting that the books I've read in!" "That's because it's a secondary source. From someone who experienced that Era, it's very interesting. So, the reunions?" "We all gather together and talk formally to each other; noting positive changes and such. The adults discuss about business or marriage while us kids just... play in groups I guess... We never really are that much of friends. It's just as know each other and try to get along for the sake of our families I guess." I chuckled, smiling a bit. "Well, look at where we are today; we are like one big family! We'd do anything to protect each other!" "...Heh, just like us.." "Pardon?" "Ah, nothing."

"It's just some vying of the clan things Taurus.
Don't worry about it." Virgo chuckled as Villa have this nostalgic look on her face, staring off into space. To be honest... Everything is all sunshine and smiles and changed drastically when someone spoke up.

"Man, I feel like I don't belong here!"

All eyes are on Ophiuchus and- Wait, WHAt?! "Ophiuchus, how did you get here?!" Aries asked incredulously, "I thought the Chinese zodiacs were looking after your unconsc-" "The Serpent Bearer used to be in the Zodiac clan; between the Archer Arcus and the Sea-goat Capricious. Get educated, Ram." Another voice said. "Kaiti!" Virgo exclaimed with a small smile.

Before I can welcome the two, all the descents got into battle stances. A series of muttering and summoning is seen and the next thing I know... I, along with everyone else except for Virgo, is pushed behind each descent. They blocked us with an arm protectively and held out their... uhm... weapons?

"I declare you all go drop your weapons. The serpent bearer here isn't asking for violence."
"V-Villa is right, please put away your all of your heirlooms, Ophiuchus nor Kaiti isn't here to fight you!" The atmosphere changed drastically and everyone have this really negative expression... This anger, hatred and disgust.

"How can you be so sure?" One of the twins answered with a straight face while clutching onto a necklace tightly. "He ruined us. He ruined it. He ruined everything. And she-" he glared at Kaiti "-is his apprentice." "George made a valid point, they are responsible for The Fall." The Sea-goat said, tightening his grip on a trident.

"But she persuaded the Chinese zodiacs to help Villa!" Virgo objected, "without her, Villa would be a vengeance spirit too!" "..." Kaiti just stared down at the starry ground, not saying anything. "Remember, this is the ascent of him, not the real him." Villa reasoned, gripping onto Ophiuchus' shoulders. Before I can speak, a knife is thrown into Virgo's leg. Virgo gasped in surprise and collapsed on her knees in pain.

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