Here for You

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Edited @ 27/09/2019

Taurus' POV
I can't watch. A bloodcurdling scream filled the whole cavern and the echos haunted me to the very soul. My throat went dry and with my intuition, I uttered a shout of Virgo's name. My shout is nothing compared to her scream. Her eyeballs rolled on the cavern floor.

She collapsed on her knees, covering her eyes. I can see a warm red liquid sliding out at the side of her eyes and grimaced. But what is weird is that the blood doesn't seem realistic, it's more like a... painted illusion. I unknowingly put my hands over Ivan and Gemini's eyes. No, not today. They're too naive. However, I was right. The red liquid disappeared. Everything. The holes on the floor, the strong smell of smoke. All gone. Wait... I widened my eyes a bit, does that mean those explosions just then are illusions?! But.... they seem so real...

"Pathetic. Do you really expect me to fall for your mere illusions?! Do you think such a terribly thought out plan to work?! You are far too negligent to be one of us. To think that Heze sacrificed himself for such a worthless disgrace... Honestly what did you do to him?"

"...I can't......"
"I beg your pardon?"
"I can't give up.... no, not yet...."

That sickly woman watched her daughter in amusement as Virgo stood up shakily, body turned to female with evident hatred. She have no sign of giving up whatsoever. She let out a feral growl. That stubbornness... that reminds me of...... me. I couldn't help but to have my mouth agape, furrowing my eyebrows at Virgo.

"Heze entrusted me to get the diadem and to make sure something like this will never happen again.... I can't give up yet." Virgo whispered as she stumbled up. "Even if I can't
fly in the sky as free as a bird, even if I can't make the perfect innocent and pure maiden act due to everything I've been through... Even if I can't use powerful magic or heal people with with the Maiden's full potential... Heze saw potential in me. He entrusted everything to me. He gave me hope. He gave me a reason to live. I'll make sure I'll reach his wish. I don't care if I die doing it, without him, my life will be nothing but withered stalks of death itself."

I instinctively took my hands off of the pair of Twin's eyes and ran over to the protective globe and banged on it harshly, wanting to get out. "Taurus..?! What do you think you're doing?!" Pyxis exclaimed in an alarmed tone. "Virgo..." I said as I watched Ms Maiden walked towards her slowly. Capricorn and Scorpio both focused on that sorry excuse of a mother with angered expressions as she stopped right in front of the injured and weak female. She raised her hands and.....


...That sound echoed through the whole cavern.
Virgo's head twisted harshly and her neck turned at an unhealthy angle and collapsed, rubbing her face slowly, wincing doing so. "Who thought you to be so utopian? Are you trying to sound influential?!  You really are disgustin"

I, no, we had enough.

A swing of the ivy whip from Scorpio and shot of illusions and reflections of all of us from Leo.
The Protectio spell is broken. It's like all of us have the same thing in mind; we all dashed out, ignoring Pyxis' cries. Instinctively, I took out the Devil's Horn given by Virgo and stared at it hesitantly. The dark and mysterious aura... it's too intimating for me and haunted me with my past.

A series of unsheathing can be heard and I turned my head at the direction of the source. Aquarius took out the aquade and used the excess water in her hair to power it, Aries activates the blaze while grinning like a madman in fire and Ivan sharpening the willow blade with excess rocks on the floor with an indescribable expression. Virgo choose these for us... Because she know we can use these. She... trusted us. Ignoring all the bad consequences in my head, I took a deep breath and blow into the devil's horn.

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