•Gemini's Insecurity•

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Edited @ 10/08/2019

Gemini's POV

I stopped running as I stoped at a set of doors while playing with my action figurines that Leo's mother give me. This voice... this set of doors..... Dad's office! But that voice... It's mothers.

Bring the curious person I am, I leaned my head against the door and tried to listen to what my parents are talking about. "Tvinnr! Don't insult our son like that!" "I'm sorry... I just feel desperate. I just wish Gemini was never born."

Mummy... What do you mean? I slowly put down my figurines and once again put my head on the door, content face dropping into a frown. "Never born?... Why?!" "You don't get it! You don't understand! Us Twins have a blessed genetic that can produce offsprings that are twins! This one?! Single! A single child! Can.... You believe that......?! Out of everyone... Me. I have one child. I lived years dreaming of having twins... Maybe Trivia is the one that supposed to bear children......"

Mummy is crying.... Why are you crying mummy? "What are you talking about darling?! This have nothing that have to do with genetics! Don't worry, at least out child is healthy.."

"No. He isn't a real Twin. We should obliterate him. We should kill him. He shall never be mentioned."
"Tvinnr! What the hell is wrong with you?!" "LET ME GO POLLUX."

I hear thuds, screams and cries of my mum and shouts and grunts of my dad. Words such as 'kill him' and 'your not yourself' echoed in my head. I stood there traumatised. Mummy never screams. Mummy never cries. Mummy always smiles and laugh. Mum and dad never fights. Yet it's happening. Was it... My fault? No... But I don't have a twin. Everyone expected me to have a twin. Why can't I have one?! Was I not good enough?! "I'm sorry..." I muttered as tears flowed down my cheeks. I fiddled with my necklace that mummy gave me last year. It always make me calm and safe. "Capricorn Sea-Goat, lend me your mind..."

I'm sorry that I'm not good enough.
I'm sorry if I'm a disappointment.
I'm sorry that I made you fight.
I'm sorry that I make you fall apart.
I'm sorry that I broke you.
I'm sorry that I was born.

I feel sudden pain on my forehead. "OW." I cried out as I hold my forehead in pain. "What was that for?!" I glared at the person that flicked me; Sagittarius. "Dude. You're spacing out. What are you thinking?"
"Uhm. Nothing special."
"Oh! Didn't you hear?!"
"Hear what?"
"We are supposed to be going ten minutes ago."
"Just kidding."
"Well, we have ten more minutes left, you supposed hand your luggage to Heze."
"Oh. Sure."

I heaved my luggage up and made my way to Heze's Classroom slowly, hugging and puffing on the way with an amused Sag' following me. Why don't you help me? TT^TT When we reached Heze's classroom, I mean Pyxis' office. Sagittarius knocked on the door and opened it pretty straightforwardly.

"Ever heard of having people to say come in?" Heze smiled as me and Sagittarius walked in. "Nope! :)" Sagittarius said happily while popping the p. "Well now you've heard of it!" Sagittarius and Heze chuckled and high fived each other. I looked at Heze, having a question about something that I'm quite curious about for a while now.

"Heze, can I ask you a question?" I asked. Heze looked at me and nodded, wanting me to speak up. "Well.. It might be a little.... Offensive."
"Don't worry, I'll try my best to answer it." I took a deep breath. I need him to hear me clearly.

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