-A Magikal Lesson-

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Edited on 19/2/2019

Scorpio's POV
"Alright class listen up! Welcome to your new class!" The teacher said happily. She is tall with frizzy hazel hair and crystal blue eyes. There are compasses stuck to her arms with nails and metal support segments that reminds me of Libra. Is she maybe a descent of the Scales?

Me, Aquarius and Virgo are currently standing beside her staring at the class of ten. "In this class, we are going to learn something that is all inside of you, we are learning Elemental Magik!" The zodiacs all whispered to each other in excitement and confusion as the teacher continued. "My name is Pyxis M Compass and magik is some really complex stuff you see..." She turned to me and smiled. "Scorpio here will demonstrate something that Water elementals will learn." 'You know what to do...' whispered a voice in my head. Telepathy.

I took a deep breath and focused. Focusing where it's all connected...... The Air, Fire, Water and Earth... I snapped my eyes open and snapped my palms. To my delight, a jet of water sprayed out of my hand and splashed on the ceiling. The whole class ooed and ahhed as they watch the jet of water continue to shot out of my hand. Aquarius gave me a thumbs up and Virgo gave me one of her Charming smiles of proudness. " Very good Scorpio! Next here we have Aquarius, an Air elemental!" Pyxis affirmed and Aquarius stepped forward.

She placed her right hand on her left and muttered something. Then she snapped her palms and a powerful gust of wind surrounds the classroom. The whole class watch in awe as Aquarius pushed the air with force and it knocked down a bookshelf. "Very nicely done Aquarius, pretty rusty but you're getting there!" Pyxis encouraged, "and now... Virgo.." Virgo nodded and closed her eyes. Her body relaxed and she took deep breaths. The whole class stared at Virgo and then around the room to see what's happening. That's when Libra screamed in delight. The bookshelf that Aquarius knocked down is floating; books neatly went inside the bookshelf and the bookshelf stood up.

Virgo opened her eyes with a soft white glow around it. Leo shouted in alarm as Virgo began to levitate. She is in the air, about 10 feet above. She slowly lowered herself and landed. The whole class is silent and Virgo opened her eyes, nodding, signalling them that she finished her little performance. The whole class cheered and I gave Virgo a thumbs up. "These are what you all are gonna to be doing" Pyxis said "Aquarius' element is air, therefore she can control the air. Scorpio's element is water, so she can spray out water and breathe in it. Virgo is an Earth, and that leads us to using your brain and..." Ms. Pyxis smiles "A secret for earth elements.... Even Virgo didn't mastered it!"

Sagittarius puts up her hand. "Yes Sagittarius?" "What about fire?" "Ahhh..." Ms. Pyxis chuckled. "Well, I'll show you... I am the odd one out! I can perform all elements!" Everyone awed Ms. Pyxis clicked her finger and a flame is dancing on her palm. She throws the flame on the bookshelf and the flame turned into a fireball. The whole shelf is on fire and Pyxis put out the fire lazily with a flick of her hand. Water came spraying and the fire is put out. I smiled as I watch Capricorn's eyes getting wider and wider, in admiration and awe. "So..." Pyxis continued, "let's split y'all in groups! All air to Aquarius, all water to Scorpio, all Earth to Virgo and all fire to me!" I watched everyone getting into groups.

At last there are 4 groups and I just realized that Ophiuchus doesn't have an element. Ophiuchus raised his hand. "Yes Ophiuchus?" Pyxis asked and smiled gently at him "Miss.... I-I... I don't have an element..."

Pisces' POV
OH MY GOD! Am I dreaming?! I can't believe that Scorpio just shot water out of her hand! Virgo is levitating and Aquarius with the force from— ah yes, Author wouldn't want me to break the forth wall too! Me and Cancer walked beside Scorpio and a voice interrupted Scorpio... "Miss.... I-I... I don't have an element..." Ophiuchus said as he looked hopelessly around him. Ms. Pyxis frowned and smiled again.

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