
437 17 5


Edited @ 11/07/2019

Taurus' POV
"Virgo! It's good to see you again!" I exclaimed and gave her a comforting smile. Knowing her, she will probably smile back since I am trusted by everyone, right? Wrong. Strangely, she ignored me but continued doing what she is doing, inspecting each and every one of us, eyes darting every inch of our bodies, observing us.

"VIRGOOO! I MISS YOU SOOO MUC—" Scorpio chimed with a cute expression as she rushed to hug Virgo. I might be overreacting but there seems to be flowers around her. She... seems so fuzzy... But, Scorpio is cut off by Virgo........ flipping her over and got into a weird stance and position. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands as I watched in horror. Cancer did the same as Sagittarius screamed something like "REJECTED." Pisces hurried over to Scorpio and helped her up, asking if she's okay.

Virgo... Can't do that to her best friend, can she? "Don't. Touch. Me." Virgo grimaced as she stared at Scorpio menacingly. Scorpio widened her eyes and stared at her in shock. "Victoria! You shouldn't do that!" The Gemini-lookalike exclaimed.

"It's self defence."
"It isn't! You just flipped your friend."
"She is trying to sabotage me."
"She isn't! She's greeting you!!!"
"Then why am I learning martial arts, judo, aikido—"

Scorpio looks hurt and betrayed. Not gonna lie, I do feel bad for her. What's wrong with Virgo? I focused on the duo once again and couldn't help but smile. "Pffft." I covered my mouth, trying to hold my laughter. The Gemini lookalike and Virgo looked at me, one in embarrassment while the other one in interest and curiosity. "So, Virgo, will you introduce your friend to us?" Heze asked with a smile.

"First, introduce him to me." "Who?" I asked. Virgo looked at me and then pointed at Ophiuchus. "Him." Virgo stated still looking at me. "Yo Virgo, you can't forget your roommate can you?!" Sagittarius grinned. However, Virgo just ignored her and stared at Ophiuchus, as if trying to find some information deep within him. "My name is Owe-" "Your real name. Quit lying." Ophiuchus bit his lip and spoke up.

"My name is Ophiuchus Serpent-Bearer." Ophiuchus said with a hesitant face, uncomfortable with Virgo's abnormal attitude. "Hm? I get it...." Virgo muttered. I looked at her in interest, what is she talking about? "So this is the transfer student... Okay, as Heze said, I'll introduce you to—" she looked at the Gemini lookalike "—him. His name is... Ivan Twin. The missing twin. Don't worry; I did my research on him. It's the real thing." Gemini widened his eyes at Ivan, staring at him in awe and wonder.

Ivan just blushed and shyly looked away, making me question if he have a backstory of his own in the past like us. He seems pretty docile and meek around us but then again we are strangers to him, he seems pretty open with Virgo! "Nice to meet ya!" The fire squad chorused together, all smiling. The water squad give Ivan a reassuring nod and the air... well, they seems to be pretty messy.

Aquarius is staring at him in wonder, Libra is squealing at the sight while Gemini is busy introducing himself to his so-called twin. Me, Ophiuchus and Capricorn looked at him and smiled while mouthing a 'nice to meet you'. "Well, seems like we've meet earlier than we planned!" Pyxis exclaimed happily. "So Virgo, mind leading us somewhere... remote?" Virgo just stared at Pyxis and nodded. "Of course Pyxis." She stated. Ophiuchus is the first to move, walking towards Virgo and Ivan which is clinging onto Virgo pretty evidently, with Ophiuchus starting a conversation with us following.

...Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a hazel haired girl.... Two different coloured eyes, looking at us; well, Ophiuchus, Virgo and Ivan's direction in awe and wonder. She seems to be hiding behind a building, I just shrugged it off.

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