-The 13th Zodiac-

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Edited on 19/2/2019

I don't know why but the dates kinda got messed up here? Must be because I edited it already sometime...

???'s POV

I took a deep breath and faced the school. I looked at the delicate patterns on the walls, the beautiful marble stairs and the architecture itself. This really reminds me of my old school, Astronomy College. Today is gonna be my first day here and I'm looking for forward to meet new people. At the same time, no. What if I'm not accepted? What if I'm an outcast? Will that happen to me again?

Wait, what am I thinking?! I shook my head furiously and I took a few steps forward and paused. I got a feeling that people here is going to be different. I walked through the main hall and I walked past 12 students talking to each other. Their uniforms are really nice and exquisite; boys have uniforms like suits, black with a few strips of white with gold stars by the shoulders. They wore nice tailored white shirts that looks really luxurious and they wore different ties too, weird. And females wear bows instead of ties. The ties were dark blue, dark red, light green and aqua blue. The trousers are black with two silver strips by the side, all finely ironed. The girls are wearing the exact same except instead of suits, it's jackets. The ties are bows and they wore black skirts. They all wore something similar though: bracelets. Out of all 12 of those people, there are four different colored gems for the bracelet and Zodiac sign in the center.

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The bracelets are golden, with a bit of silver around the fire, grass, water, air gems and the signs. So I guess they are the Zodiacs, famous throughout Cosmetics. A boy with reddish hair and glasses which I believe is Capricorn stared at me, as if observing me. I ignored him and started walking faster. I could hear them whispering... I walked pasted the twelve students and headed towards to the main office to meet the principal Mr Solar Flare and see which classroom I'm going to be in.....

Capricorn's POV
A boy I've never seen walked past us. I stared at him and wondered who he is. Black tie, four stars.... Strange, the uniforms never have stars except if he's a part of the Zodiacs. "Huh!" Scorpio said coldly "A stranger just walked past us. I've never seen him before." "To be honest," Libra said with a smile, "he looks pretty hot, no, cute~!" Leo gave Libra a dirty look. "Oi! Libra! I'm hotter that that pathetic lil' boy!" I got a chill down my spine as Scorpio looked at me in a stoical expression.

"Capricorn, did he just stared at your bracelet?" I looked at my bracelet and nodded. My element is earth so I wore one with a plant. "He did, though I still don't get what's the point with the ruling planets and these elements. I mean, yes we are a part of the Zodiac Clan but wearing a random bracelet and told it's a totem bracelet..... It's utterly confusing and not beneficial." I muttered. Virgo, Aquarius and Scorpio shot me a look. "Yeah.." Leo with an uncomfortable smile, "at least my element is fire! I'm hotter than anyone else!" "I'm fire too Leo" Aries said and brushed his hair gently sideways.

I could see Cancer clutching her heart, blushing furiously. Hmmm, I don't know why that course of action is relevant. "OI! GUYS! IM A FIRE TOO!! I AM THE QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD AND SATAN HIMSELF." Sagittarius sulked and folded her arms. She rolled her eyes and looked a bit offended. We all laughed and the bell rang. "Guess it's time to get to class!" Taurus said with a smile and we all nodded and grabbed our bags, heading toward our Stargazing class with Mr Cetus.

???'s POV
"You ready dear?" Madame Carina asked and smiled gently at me. I nodded and took a deep breath. Inside this classroom is where my classmates are in. Madame Carina went inside the classroom and I could hear her voice. "Excuse me Cetus, I got a new student..... yes. Yes, thank you. Class, may I get your attention please?" I hear voices quiet down. "Today we got a new student," she continued, "I want you all to be nic-" "IS IT A BOY OR A GIRL?!" "Wait a moment Libra! It's rude to interrupt!" "I'm sorry miss."

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