
360 14 4


Edited @ 27/9/2019

Virgo's POV
Mother, wrapped in ivy and trapped in a cage of mirrors and ice just stared at the crimson eyed failed assassin. She then weakly turned her head to my direction, staring into my very soul. Her cold green eyes softened. "Virgo, my dear..." She hummed and smiled sadly. She seems so....... happy. She closed her eyes and kept her head down, as if accepting this sudden faith that is about to come to her.

Then I realised it all.

......Father's last words before he died.

......I see, it all makes sense now.


I jolted up as I pushed Cancer and Capricorn away from me and darted forward. Using all of the remaining energy in my tiresome body, I sprinted as fast as I can. "NO!" I screamed as I ran in front of mother, arms spread. "VIRGO, MOVE!" Scorpio snarled as she continued to advance towards mother before breaking into a sprint. "NO, STOP! THIS IS MY ACTUAL MOTHER!" I screamed. Scorpio, surprised, draw back.

Though not fast enough.

A throbbing pain can be felt on my face as the dagger slit through my face diagonally, leaving a thin slice and blood started to trickle down my cheek. Scorpio widened her eyes in horror before biting her tongue in shame and guilt. "Don't worry Scorpio, it's not your fault. It's just a cut." I stated. I turned to face my mother. "Free her." I ordered. Everyone looked at me like I just lost my mind.

"Virgo! But—"
"No buts."
"What's up with yo—"
"Do it."
"DO IT."

I raised my voice harshly, making Pisces flinch and step back. Everyone did what I told them. "Mother..." I whispered as I take a step forward to the female. She slowly lift her head up and— I felt a sharp yank on my neck. I hear shouts and cries. The next thing I know, I was in the grip of mother, dangling helplessly in the air. She's already standing up, lifting me up high. Her beautiful green eyes met mine. Her cold demeanour is back. I... can't breathe.

"You fool. You fell for my acting. Well, makes sense since you are not a Maiden but complete midden." She hissed, gripping on my neck tighter. With my consciousness slowly fading, I can still see..... pleading in her eyes, yearning for me.

"That's wrong, isn't it, Hermana?"

At that moment, everyone widened their eyes. Pyxis stopped yelling out warnings and stared at me and mo— I mean, aunt. Cancer nearly collapsed from surprise, but didn't due to Pisces and Libra's support. Sagittarius have this emotionless expression, as if this reminded her of something and Capricorn wrapped his arms around her. Aunt widened her eyes in fear? Anger? Her grip on my neck hardened. Others just stood there, stunned. "W-what do you mean, Virgo?" Gemini asked.

".... A-Alzir Xi Geminorum and Alhena Geminorum Z-Zeta, also known as Mujer and Hermana. The cousins of the descents of no other than The Twin family. The unification between the Mercury Rulers is sealed by Alzir Xi Geminorum and Alaraph Beta Virginis, also known as Mujer and Page. They married each other. B-Being a pair of identical twins, you sure know how to manipulate people into thinking you're my mother." I said as steadily as possible, piecing everything together. It all makes sense.

"NONE SENSE! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR MOTHER?!" Aunt spat. "Why are you denying my accusation so harshly? Does it struck a chord?" I asked. "What happened to Mujer? Where is my mother?!"

I may or may not regret that, well, I don't regret it. She flung me across the cavern, smashing my head into the hard rocky surface.
"YOU ARE WRONG!!!" She shrieked as she lunged at me. I just watched her merciless attempt. Scorpio, Aquarius and Cancer charged. "Don't." Scorpio hissed as she wrapped the ivy whip around the female. "You." Aquarius stated as she pierced the Aquade into Hermana's leg. "Dare." Cancer spat as she pulled out the vainsaw.

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