Profanities and Pinpointing

398 19 1


Edited @ 11/07/2019

Leo's POV
"F*CKKKKKKKKKK" Virgo suddenly screamed in fury. I looked over at Virgo and then at the dropped bag that Ophiuchus was holding just then. I couldn't help but feel my heart break at the sight. Ophiuchus is gone. "Virgo... That's not something a lady would say out loud..." Heze trailed off, anger evident on his face, "tell me what vulgar, colourful profanities you want me to say because BLOODY F*CKING MARY-SUE PIXIE DUST AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, THE QUEEN AND ALL THAT IS HOLY. SH*T, I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW." Heze suddenly shouted and swung his hands into a tree trunk, punching the poor tree that snapped.

"Heze... That's not very gentleman like." I laughed nervously. "F*CK. PARDON MY BLOODY LANGUAGE." "You're British gentleman(?)-like self is showing." Virgo sighed. "Tch. A necromancy shadow gadget huh... Looks like she's sneakier than I thought." Pyxis deadpanned.

"Excuse me.... B-but what is going on?" Pisces asked in confusion and fear. The Maiden duo and Pyxis jumped in shock and stared at the group, unaware that they are there. "What are profanities?" Sagittarius laughed nervously. "Basically, profanities mean curse words but sounds more formal!" I explained, trying to lighten the mood while observing everyone's reactions and expressions in the progress. "Where is Ophiuchus?..." Cancer asked worriedly. "ThAt BlOoDy dAuGhTeR oF a SatAn sPaWn toOk HiM aWay." Pyxis said in a polite yet revolting tone. "Well, at least she's gone..." Aries muttered "because f*ck, that horny b*tch is annoying."

"I wish I can agree with you but she is exactly want we need." Virgo stated. "She might be in the 'Vengeful Spirit', an organisation that have a different perspective in the world. From my research, they wanted a Zodiac member as their mascot. But from the looks of things, she, I mean, I prevented that at the Cliffs of Moher, successfully protecting Ivan. The question is why would they want Ophiuchus?! How would they know if he's the 13th Zodiac or not?!" Virgo sighed in annoyance as she placed her fingers on her forehead in irritation.

"First of all, lets calm down and take a deep breath." Capricorn suggested. We did exactly that. "Next, can someone please heal Virgo's wound." Capricorn said worriedly while staring at that slit that that b*tch did. "I will." Me and Heze said in sync. The two of us awkwardly looked at each other before I gave in. "...You can do it Heze." I said as Heze took out his wand while mouthing a 'thanks'. "Hælan," Heze muttered as he pointed he wand at Virgo's arm. I watched with others as Virgo's pierced skin slowly enclose itself as the wound get sealed.

"So... What now?" Gemini asked, looking as lost as ever. Heze put his hand over his mouth and began muttering. I narrowed my eyes at him, curious of what's next. "Well. I think we should go home and rest for a bit. It's a long day.." Taurus suggested, "not to mention I have some snacks I need to try out." He added.

"NO. I THINK WE SHOULD GO YOLOING AND CHILLAXING IN THE BEACH, IF THERE IS ONE." Sag' suggested excitedly while pumping her fists into the air. Knowing Sagittarius at a young age, I can tell that she is still stiff about what happened and wants to light up the atmosphere a bit. "Agreed!" Libra said softly. "I also want to check out the fashion on Earth!~"

"I don't think we have time for that..." Aquarius smiles sadly, "it might be a special chapter though." "Wha the fu—" Aries is interrupted as Ivan/Gemini beamed in excitement. "Yeah! I'll be your tour guide to Earth! I can bring you all to anime conventions and such! And then we can have a reader insert special as well!" Once of the twins said excitingly. From the looks of things, it's Ivan. "Uhhh.... Ivan? Is it?" I asked nervously. "Yeah?" The twin said with a goofy smile. "OH GOD YOU TWO LOOK ALIKE." I suddenly blurted out. The other Ivan, Gemini, smirked. "Well, looks like I can go and pull some more mischief and blame it on Ivan~!" "Hey!" "Yeah... When you actually look at them and observe properly, they look identical." Cancer said while sweat dropping.

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