-Courage, check! What's next, Scorpio's Assent?!-

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Scorpio's POV
I smashed my fists into the punching bag and roundhouse kicked it. The chains rattled and moaned at the beating it's receiving but I never stopped. With one final elbow strike, I stopped to take a break from my three hours long training. The punching bag was rocking uselessly before it stopped completely. I went up stairs and headed straight for the fridge. Taking out a bottle of water and a granola bar, I sighed relaxingly before sitting down on my comfy couch.

It's been a week since our little adventure in Earth, a lot of things happened at once. Since Pyxis have an emergency operation for her heavy injuries, us zodiacs are dismissed from school for a week. Parents fussed and worried over us and the Supreme Mage questioned everyone present in Mount Olympus, including Ophiuchus, who is nearly unconscious through the whole thing. It is affirmed to the public that an unknown group called the Vengeance Spirit attacked us, but no one knew who the leader is, or what they're after. We lied. We know who the leader is, who the villain is, but we just kept quiet.

Oh, I should take a bath before going on a full on train of thought to relax and to think about what had happened. I stood up and pushed my train of thought aside before heading upstairs and into the bathroom. I turned on the bath and dipped in when it's full of warm, steaming smoothing water. I internally smiled before sinking deeper into the tub, continuing my train of thoughts.

Four days ago, nearly everyone's parents got the worst surprise they've ever seen; an official funeral invitation for Heze Zeta Virginis and Mujer Maiden.... But we know she's really, in fact, Hermana. During the funeral, people mourned over the abusive parent and give Virgo sorry looks and on about how she lost her parents and her dearest cousin at such a young age, before she even reached adulthood. The court was said to be in possession of everything in the Maiden household, but Virgo is old enough to inherit everything. Basically, she is now the head of the Maiden family.

What time is it? Hmm, seven forty. Assembly starts at quarter to nine. I should change and go to school early. After all, early birds gets the worm. I got up and unplugged the drains and left the bathroom to go and change. As I walked in, I can sense some b*stard sitting on my bed. I pulled out my trustworthy dagger and snuck in, only to be greeted by the intruder. "Yo Scorpio~!" Sagittarius greeted with a cheeky grin. I glared at her and scowled.

"What business do you have with me at seven forty in the morning?"
"Hmmm... Good question actually! Idk."
"....Sagittarius I swear-"
"Okay okay! I'm just a little bored so why not!"
"...That's a lie."
"Eehh?! How did you kno-"
"As a water elemental, I know natural humane behaviour, emotions along with voice tones and body language perfectly. You can't really lie to me."
"Oh yeah... I forgot about that! Well, I came here because I was scared....."
"Yeah... I'm scared of dying."

Sagittarius began rocking back and forth. I just stared at her weirdly before getting changed quickly. "When do you think I'm going to die?  My shortened life spam..... I'm not going to see Capricorn again, will I?" Sagittarius wondered out loud. "Will it hurt him? What if I die when I'm not ready? A bad timing? Like Capricorn's wedding... hmm, a first date maybe? It's a scary thought, isn't it?? That I could drop dead any second..." She continued to ponder, a sad smile plastering her face. "Y'know, it's pretty scary... To think that your life will end very suddenly in the future..."

When I finished tying the bow of my uniform, I walked over to Sagittarius and flicked her on the forehead. "Ow." She moaned as she held onto her forehead while pouting at me angrily. "What was that for?" She sulked. I just stared at her with a deadpan expression. "You are Sagittarius. Cheerful, energetic, positive, carefree and full of life. You are not some diehard angst emo or some other freak. Your Sagittarius, one of my best friends as well as family and I love you." I paused before looking away, blushing softly. "So please don't think about those negative thoughts." I muttered, embarrassed with myself. Why am I saying these things?! This is so not me!

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