-Your Protector and Guide-

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Edited on 7/4/2019

Aries' POV
The Astrology Games is starting very soon! I panted as I pull myself up for the 201th time. Gotta keep training! "Gee, calm down..." Scorpio said at the corner. "It's starting two weeks later!" "Nonsense " Sagittarius spat as she ran on the treadmill at the speed of 17.8. "We need to workout and beat those b*tches!" Scorpio sighed and tossed me and Sagittarius energy shake and a muesli bar each as she sat down. I jumped down from the pull-up bar and snacked on the food I was given.

Scorpio suddenly looked up, alarmed. "Wait... Aries, aren't you in charge of looking after Virgo?" Shoot. "Um... Yeah..... Why?" I said "She looks fine and she can wal-" "OH MY FREAKEN GOD ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!" Scorpio screamed. Sagittarius looks alarmed and she stopped the treadmill. "YEAH ARIES WHAT THE HECK?! IF HER HEALTH CONDITIONS GOT WORSE THAN BEFORE, I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE!" Sagittarius shrieked. Wow... That hurts. "BUT VIRGO IS FINE! SHE CAN STAND, WALK AND READ! GEMINI IS WITH HER RIGHT NOW!" I shouted back. Scorpio went quiet "You should told me earlier that Gemini is with her." Scorpio mumbled. She got up and headed towards to the ladder. "Call me when you guys need me." Scorpio called out and went up.

No sound can be heard except me and Sagittarius snacking and she spoke. "I've heard that this year, our opponent is Animagus Academy, Solar Highschool  and Astronomy Cottage." Astronomy Cottage sounds familiar..... "Hey, didn't Ophiuchus mentioned Astronomy Cottage before?" I asked and Sagittarius nodded. "Yeah, I think so." "What are the tasks this year?" I asked and Sagittarius grabbed her phone and smiled. "Well from the school website, we have Physical Education, Astrology, Mythology and only for us and Animagus Academy, Magik." "Magik?" I asked "I just realised it but isn't it spelt with a C at the end?" I took Sagittarius' phone and looked at it. Magik. "Apparently it sounds cooler." Sagittarius said and headed towards the ladder. "I would call this a day Aries. See you tomorrow!" I waved at her as she climbed up the ladders. I went up with her and in my head, we need to organise a schedule and plan on how to beat those b*stards up.....

Taurus' POV
I frowned as I saw the notification I got. Astrology games is starting in two weeks. I looked at my notifications and smiled as I texted Aquarius. To be honest, I'm not really looking forward to the games but I'm looking forward for the other schools taking over our school. I hope we will still have our houses.... I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. As I walk towards school, I looked at the local newspaper headlines.

Zodiacs are gods?! The Maiden survived werebeast attack

The Maiden Scholar survived the impossible

Zodiac High Honour Student survived a deadly attack

Member of Zodiac took down 5 Werebeasts

I signed as I walk past the students with newspaper in their hands. Capricorn.... I hope he recovered from Scorpio's crazy rampage for Virgo. It isn't Capricorn's fault though... Everyone makes mistakes, right? But I just can't stand how Capricorn made that slight mistake. How though?

Virgo as a perfectionist is.... Flawless. Perfect descriptions, perfect quotes, perfect clothes, perfect everything. What puzzled me is that how did she survive? Like... I'm worried about her but... The chances of surviving the impossible is just... bothering me. I pushed the door open and walked into the school. I need to ask her that someday...

Virgo's POV
"... Virgo, are you feeling okay?" Gemini's voice called out. I moaned and sat up the uncomfortable bed I was in. "...Yeah yeah, I'm fine." I called back and stared blankly above me. The ceiling is boring. Plain white. Today I'm pretty sure I'm out of this bed and I can continue with my classes. What's more, I owe other Zodiacs for the time they spent with me with the studying and the paperwork. Me and Pyxis already organized our class and I'm actually looking forward for this one. At the same time, I'm nervous.

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