-Message From Another World-

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Edited @ 28/6/2019

Gemini's POV
She is gone. A week has passed and nothing from Virgo. Where did she go?! Ophiuchus won't say anything, he would just act like everything is still the same with Virgo around. Even Taurus and Capricorn's mind control and mind reading won't work on Ophiuchus. Dammit, he stayed around Virgo for too long.

"Hi Gemini!" Libra greeted. I mumbled my greetings and closed my locker. God, the atmosphere is so different without her. "Hey Gem, you okay?" I looked beside me and saw Leo leaning against the lockers. He helped me with the books and used his famous charming smile on me. "I'm fine, just a bit..... Shocked... That she is gone." "I agree with you, she is stubborn as Taurus and she would never give up a goal once she set her mind to it... She want to graduate from this place with a full attendance award... Weird."

Hmm, he knows Virgo pretty well despite not talking to her much. I narrowed my eyes and stared at Leo. Thousands and thousands of questions flowed into my mind. "Leo, do you... Um... How shall I put this.... Are you in a relationship with Virgo? I-I mean... Yeah..." Leo stared at me weirdly and laughed. "No! Why would I be in relationship with someone who can play around words and outsmart me? Me and Virgo are just childhood friends. That's all."

"Oh." Brrrrrring! The bell rang and I gathered up my books from Leo and said goodbye to him. Let's see, I got Mythology.... Man, this is gonna be boring. At least Aquarius and Capricorn and a few others is in this class with me.


"You all heard of the tales from the Vying of the Clans right?" Ms Myrrh asked. We all nodded because it's a really famous legend, who wouldn't know it? "Gemini, do you mind summarising it?" I took a deep breath and stood up. "Long ago, there are such things as war and partnership. War can be in in all sorts; from bloodshed to knowledge to assassination. One day, we discovered Earth. Soon, everyone started to fight over it. The most famous clan is the Zodiacs, they are invincible. They wanted earth to be a peaceful place and shared to all nations. The Zodiac Clan conquered many places for peace and they won almost every war that is declared on them, wherever other clans teamed up together or a clan itself. But one day, a mysterious figure is found half dead on the ground by the house of the Zodiacs. They welcomed him wholeheartedly and he soon became a member of the Zodiacs too. He is a talented young man and others often asked him where did he come from. But he always just replied with he can't remember. One time he did say "somwwhere where darkness rules." One day, he suddenly asked for something that means a lot to the Zodiacs to borrow; their heirlooms. Some handed theirs without hesitation, some are suspicious but handed it up anyways. But one member didn't give hers up; The Maiden—"

"I see Gemini, very good! Very descriptive and I guess you heard this story over and over again because it involves your ancestor an—" "Ancestors" I corrected. "But the mystery is, is this story true? We are always unsure. Some parts are believable but others.... Like the part where The Maiden teamed up with the Chinese Zodiacs to-" "WAIT WHAT?!" Aquarius asked. The class went quiet and stared at her. "W-What do you mean?! I-I thought the story ended at the part where they all turned into stone together...." "Aquarius, do you know where the part where The Maiden teamed up with other clans to get those treasures back? She teamed up with the Chinese Zodiacs."

"Wait, so let me get this straight." Capricorn said, "The Maiden teamed up with others to get those heirlooms back. But she never got them. She soon joined others around The Circle and turned into stone." He said said as countless theories flew around my brain. This simple legend just turned serious with a lot of questions. Ms Myrrh nodded sadly. "It's a shame really, The Maiden sacrificing everything she got just to get her dearest friends back to normal but ended out dying with them..."

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