Tsukishima kei x yamaguchi tadashi our fight.

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Anime: haikyuu
Ship: tsukishima kei x yamaguchi tadashi
Plot: Yams (Yamaguchi) and tsuki (tsukishima) have a fight because yams doesn't feel tsuki's love.

I don't feel it anymore. Did I ever even actually felt it in the first place? Tsuki I-I don't think he ever. I don't think he ever actually wanted me to love him. I also don't think he ever actually tried to.
All I ever do is try and make him happy. I just want my tsuki to be happy. I think I also want to be selfish and I want tsuki to be happy with me. I just want my tsuki to love me.
He doesn't ever show me affection. He ruined my art project that took me half the school year because someone asked if I was his boyfriend. He denied it. And they said prove it. He grabbed my art work off my desk and stomped his foot through it. The worst part was that tsuki never apologized.
I sighed and closed my eyes, completely spacing. Then I was smacked in the face with something. My eyes watered with tears and I opened my eyes tears leaking from them and I was met with a shocked regretful asahi on one side of the net. Beside me was a volleyball and asahi was in the spiking position. Then the pain started to register. Wails wrenched through my throat and I could hold them back.
"OH MY GOD YAMA ARE YOU OKAY?" Asahi shouted running to me and grabbing my shoulders rocking me softly as I wailed. I was the youngest on the team. My skin was way more sensitive I bruised and scarred easily. I'm like an antique tea cup anything hurts me.
And in came dadchi (daichi). Dadchi soothingly petted my hair as nishinoya lightly traced circles on my bare arms trying to soothe my wails. Tanaka was currently whispering comforting things in my ear it didn't help. Hinata was trying to make me laugh jumping as high as he could then screaming "bon jour." kageyama secretly whistled "I can't help falling in love with you by Elvis Presley." I then started to ugly hiccup. I couldn't control my sobbing anymore. Only 95% of my sobbing was because of the face ball.
The other part was tsuki.
"MY BABY CROW IS CRYING WHERE IS HE!" Sugamomma bursts through the gym doors shouting.
My wails then grew into heart wrenching screams. And tsuki just watched from across the court not paying any mind to his boyfriend and bestfriend who was wailing on the floor in pain both emotionally and physically. Sugamomma immediately came rushing towards me with speed that could rival hinata and kageyama's quick toss. Sugamomma wrenched me from their grasps and held me close to him. He rested my head onto his shoulder and started tracing circles and shapes and my name into my back. When my wails eventually turned to soft painful hiccups and a few steady streams of tears Suga loosened his hold on me just by a little bit.
"DAICHI WHY IS MY BABY CROW CRYING?" Suva immediately demanded.
"I don't know suga I swear!!" Daichi cried holding his hands up.
"I-I spiked kageyama's toss into his face Suga. I'm so sorry it was on accident I swear!!!" Asahi shouted bowing to Suga who still held the small skinny body of yamaguchi tadashi.
"It's okay asahi I understand accidents happen. Just be more careful! Maybe try and call yams over to your side of court before having any interaction with the ball so he doesn't get hurt. Yama has special skin he breaks very easily. Suga explained in his mother to son voice.
"Yes Suga!" Asahi exclaimed bowing again.
"Okay Suga will take care of yamaguchi lets get back to practice." Daichi explained. Although most of the team was reluctant given the fact Yama was so fragile practically brittle and he was still hiccuping every now and then but alas they followed daichi and began to do their warm ups. Suga proceeded to carry Yama to the side lines and care for his little crow.
"Yamaguchi I know you're mostly not crying because of the ball incident." Suga said in a soft voice.
"I-I *hic* don't kn-know what to do-do anymore *hic* Suga." Yamaguchi admitted. Suga gently pushed his upper half of his body away from his so he could stare at his freckled face that everyone on the team loved so much.
"Yams do you love him?" Suga asked softly.
"Yes." Yamaguchi answered immediately.
"Okay, but listen yams. Has he ever said he loves you?" Suga lectured.
"I-I......No." Yam said truthfully he then burst into sobs and hiccups again. Suga lightly pushed his face back into his shoulder rubbing at his back once again tracing silly things.
"Yams" Suga cooed.
"Hm?" Yamaguchi hummed hiccuping right after.
"You know him best. He's your bestfriend and I'm going to guess secret boyfriend. You can be selfish but know he can be selfish too. If you can't take this anymore it's gonna hurt like hell and you might not like it but break up with him. He's taking advantage of you. Lay down the law or leave the town." Suga said calmly in a lecturing tone.
Suga was the team mom. He knew everything about everyone. And he used it not against them, no, but for them. He constantly nurtured and babied the team even kageyama and tsukishima let him baby them. He got the motherly instinct after caring for his sister and brother for so long. Yamaguchi he was obviously the team baby. No one ever said he couldn't do anything. But they were rather protective over him. So in a way Yama was like the teams baby sister except not a girl. One time an opposing team during a practice match tripped Yama when he was going to the bathroom. As soon as Yama let out the wail Suga and the whole team was there in a instant. The opposing team got beat up and then beat 25-1 then 25-0.
Soon practice was over. Everyone walked back to the club room to change and go home. Yamaguchi changed but the whole time he changed he didn't talk. The whole team except tsukishima and kageyama was staring worriedly at his back. Finally hinata spoke up.
"Umm Yamaguchi? Are you okay? You seem a tad bit out of it today?"
"Huh? Oh uhh yeah I'm fine. Just tired. I got a new cat last night and he scratched and meowed at my door a few times keeping me up." Yamaguchi lied. He WAS tired. Tired of tsuki not loving him.
"Oh okay! Well get a goodnight sleep dude!" Nishinoya told him.
"Yeah listen to your Senpai yamaguchi. And get a good nights rests. Drink some warm milk before bed too!" Daichi lectured.
"Okay!" Yamaguchi said in a cheerful tone.
Everyone else was already gone. Yamaguchi was the only one left in the club room. Tsuki didn't wait for him. 'Typical tsuki.' Yamaguchi thought rolling his eyes. Soon he got up and left the clubroom letting the door shut behind him.

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