Tsukishima Kei X Yamaguchi Tadashi LEMON Don't you dare back talk me.

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Okay ya guys this one was a request by someone I will not name just because they did not give me permission to do so! (You can also request!)

Pairing: Tsukishima Kei X Yamaguchi Tadashi!

Plot: Tsukishima and Yamaguchi have been unofficially dating for about as long as anyone can remember. You would never see Yamaguchi without Tsukishima and vice versa. However when the two go to their favorite café after school and a flirty female barista finds yamaguchi attractive. Well how is Tsukishima going to react to his not-really-but-kinda-is boyfriend getting hit on?

Story begin!:

*Tsukki's pov*

God it was hot today. You would think that the gym would have AC considering how hot its been getting lately.

I've discovered two things 1. 100 degrees is the temperature of hell and 2. I really like when Yamaguchi wears his volleyball shorts outside of practice.

I knew it must have been really hot for him because Yamaguchi Tadashi hates wearing any types of shorts that go above his knee, that's only because he's so self-conscious of his jiggly but perfect thighs.

Most people don't realize these types of things about Yamaguchi but when you've been his bestfriend for 8 years you pick up a lot about the freckled teen, for example. 1. he's self-conscious about anything to do with himself, even about his eyes, 2. He likes French fries with a burning passion so don't be surprised if he's a tad bit chubby in certain places, 3. Yamaguchi is an anxiety ridden boy, who loathes attention from too many people. Yamaguchi wasn't a puzzle but he also wasn't a book.

"Tsukki, do you wanna go to our café?" Yamaguchi asked snagging my attention from my thoughts.

I felt sweat start to roll down my face. 'how disgusting' . "Mmm sure, I heard they had a new milkshake, strawberry vanilla I believe."

I glanced out of the corner of my eye to see Yamaguchi ogling at me with the stars in his eyes. "Ohhhh are you gonna try it? If you get it can I have a drink?"

"Yes you can have a drink if I get it." I already knew I was going to get it just because Yamaguchi really looked like he wanted to try it and it was something with strawberries.

We walked through town under the blistering sun, and god damn did it not feel good. Once we made it into the small café with AC, we plopped down into our usually seats next to the window so we could people-watch. "I'll go get our drinks, okay tsukki?

"M'kay." I called back to him.

I laced my fingers together and rested my chin on them while placing my elbows on the table. I closed my eyes losing myself in the chatter of the fellow customers. I reopened my eyes to see Yamaguchi roped into a conversation with a small Barista with black hair that looks to be dead from dyeing it too much. She looked like a whore to be honest (A/n: I'm describing my bully, she's the barista who flirts with yama).

I watched from afar at first, Yamaguchi didn't look uncomfortable he just looked more anxious? I watched as she started creeping closer to him by using subtle movements like leaning on the counter and such. 'Pathetic'

Once Yamaguchi made it back to our table I felt content practically oozing out of him. "What'd she want?" I spat at him with venom obviously in my voice as I took a sip of the new milkshake.

"Eh? Oh her names Natalie, she was just talking to me."

"About?" I pried casually. I was so used to Yamaguchi telling me everything that when he didn't, it felt off.

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