Hinata Shouyou X Kageyama Tobio The thing about life is...

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Pairing: Hinata Shouyou X Kageyama Tobio

Plot: The thing about life is, death is his soulmate. They are forbidden to meet, to touch or the world will collapse. Or so we've been told.

Story begin:

You see.

I've been called many of things. Reaper, death, Satan, angel of darkness the list goes on.

The funny part is, I am no angel. I am simply someone trying to do their job.

Am I a someone? I've lost track of time.

Suddenly I was transported. I sighed when I saw the sight, the one I've seen too many times.

A child, just a boy. He didn't know how weird and precious this life was yet. He laid on the hospital bed, the only home he's ever known.

These ones were always the hardest, the cases were they just didn't know the world yet.

He was 7.

"Misha baby." His mother croaked as she came near him.

My story has been told many times, and every time a different story has arose.

Some say I was the worst sinner.

"Misha God is gonna take care of you..." Liar.

That I was a killer, a rapist. All things bad.

"I know mama." Misha answered.

When I died not even Lucifer could look me in the eye.

"I love you very much."

So to punish me for my horrid act of sins, Lucifer made me into the one thing I always, a monster. He made my job eternal.

"I love you too!" Misha cooed.

Now here I am, escorting souls to the other side.

Beep beep beep beeep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

Flatliner. That's what I called these ones, they quite possibly were the worst. Besides jumpers AKA suicide.

Flatliners knew they were gonna die, somewhere hidden behind all the hope's shadow they just knew it. The broken look they give me when they see that through all that hope this is just how the dice landed.

"Am I dead?" I heard the little boy ask me once he stepped out of his body. I sighed, his mother's cries echoing behind us.

"Yes, Misha. Sadly you are."

Tears came to his eyes but he wiped them quickly. "Is she gonna be okay?" He turned towards his mom gesturing to her.

"No. But eventually she will learn to act okay." I answered honestly. The boy just died he didn't need anymore lies.

"Where do I go now?" Misha asked curiously.

"Home." I answered.

I held my hand out to him. He looked at me sadly still looking over his shoulder at his mom.

"Misha, If you refuse to come with me, you'll be trapped here forever. On earth, nothing will ever bring you back, not even I can." I spoke gently to him.

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