Matsukawa Issei X Hanamaki Takahiro this is just puppy love

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Pairing: Matsukawa Issei X Hanamaki Takahiro

Plot: puppy love, childs play, puppy love, childs play, puppy love, childs play. Our love.

Story begin:

What were we?

Puppy love?


Childs play?

I took a inhale of breath. Why did I have to give an answer to him?

Matsukawa my bestfriend.

My lover?


My bestfriend?

This hurt my head. We were going great, phenomenal even. With cheap car sex here and overly buttered movie popcorn mixing into our mouths.

When the inevitable question decided to plow its way through my sweet Matsukawa's head. "What were we?"

Puppy love?


Childs play?

Ugh. My life was filled with questions and my heart was filled with nonsense.

To be?


Not to be?

Same thing.

Did I even want such a relationship with Matsu? Did I even love him?

I don't know anymore.

"Taka dinner!!!" My uncle hollered across the house.

I nodded grimly and proceeded to army march to the table.

At ease soldier.

"So how was school?"

Oh you know my bestfriend and I have been secretly banging with eachother and making out no homo though!

"It's okay I got an A on my English analysis."

"Good job!" My uncle cheered. My poor uncle who's just a beach bum. Someone who never planned on having kids.

The fact is, my mom died and no one wanted to raise me, so my uncle just stood up and said yes.

The other fact is, he's the best damn father I can think of.

After dinner I climbed the stairs to my bedroom. The attic. It's actually not that bad of a place it's nice and was cleaned up well.


The brown haired idiot just won't leave me alone.


Maybe I can call Yahaba?

Or Oinkawa.

No I think if I were to call anybody it'd have to be Iwizumi.

I pushed him against the gym lockers. My body flushed against his. His face just speaks shocked. I cupped his squishy cheeks and kissed his throat nipping softly but just enough to elect a yelp. He let out a breathy moan and I couldn't stop.

I began moving upward slowly, my lips slowly dragging up his throat. His breath was shaky a sign he was more nervous than usual. My hands found his hips, I rubbed circles into his hips with my thumbs.

I ghosted my lips over his and he made a whimper. He's so sexy. I pressed my lips against his demanding for entrance. Nipping his lips

He let out a small whimper and let me in.


What am I gonna do?

Usually when I'm so conflicted like now I'd call him. But I can't.

Not only is it because it's about him but it's because he's mad at me. Refuses to speak to me. I regret so much.

I slowly part from those sweet lips I've come addicted to.

He looked at me with confused lustful eyes. "Hana what are we?" He asked softly, in his frail voice.

I laughed.

When I was done laughing I saw hurt in Mastu's eyes.

I wish I could take it back.

"Don't you dare come back." He spat at me.

I rushed to make excuses for my cruelness.


"What's eatin ya boy?" I heard my uncle enter my room without permission.

I shook my head sorrowfully. He wouldn't understand.

"C'mon" My uncle persisted.

I sighed. "What if you hurt someone that you might love?"

"Son, you can't might love someone. Does this person make you want to be with them?"


"Do you want to just constantly be touching them or talking to them?"


My uncle smiled happily, "then you're in love."

My hurt hammered in my chest, I love Matsu. "But I hurt them." I mumbled my mood diminishing.

"There's nothing that can't be fixed." My uncle announced.

I nodded my head. Suddenly I was encouraged. With little to no words I ran past my uncle. "I NEED TO GO!" I shouted.

I ran to his house.

I ran to him.

When I got there I realized that his parent's car is gone. Perfect.

I jogged up to his door and began rapping on it. I heard heavy footsteps walk hurriedly to the door.

When he opened the door he immediately caught sight of me. He rolled his eyes and went to shut the door but I caught it. His eyes were glossed over with so many emotions but anger stood out the most. "What the hell do you want?" He growled.

"Please listen to me Matsu." I pleaded with him.

"No you lost the right to ask me to listen!" He shouted at me trying to shut the door on me.

"Matsu stop." I shouted at him. His eyes were glassy indicating that he was tearing up.

"Why won't you just leave me alone? All you do is hurt me constantly. I-I don't want to be hurt anymore." He started hiccuping. He sunk to his knees and was crying.

My heart sunk to my stomach. "Oh Matsu." I mumbled sinking to the ground as well.

I whispered sweet nothings into his ear as I held him rocking him slowly.

I pressed my lips to his temple.

"I love you Matsu." I whispered into his hair peppering everywhere I could reach with soft kisses.

"I love you too Hana."


I hope you enjoyed!


Don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own haikyuu or any of its characters no copy right Infringement intended


word count: 935

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