Bokuto Koutarou X Akaashi Keiji the voices in my head

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Soulmate AU

Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou X Akaashi Keiji (mention of destiel or dean winchester X Castiel from the show supernatural I am in love with)

Plot: this was how things were you hear the thoughts of your soulmate, well you didn't actually hear them but you just knew what they were thinking, you could cancel it out if you were focused enough. Bokuto's soulmate as far as he knew was very imaginative, when class proved to be boring he'd seek out his soulmate in his head and he'd immediately be thrusted into his soulmates head except one night in his junior year it all stopped everything, heartbroken he was lead to believe his soulmate was dead but suddenly he gets a rather disturbing thought that he just knew wasn't his own.

(I apologize deeply if you disagree with the beliefs of my religion I'm Christian so God will be mentioned a few times. I do not wish to offend anyone and I respect your beliefs and just hope you will respect mine. If the story was not to your liking I apologize and if you'd like to request for a new story I will certainly get to it as soon as I possibly can, thanks!)


Now god placed us on this earth, he placed us as one soul a single soul.

One day when god was up in his workshop working on another man who will live his life lonely and he wouldn't even know it.

"Excuse me lord." An angel by the name castiel spoke to our father with confusion.

"Yes castiel?" God asked, as he turned to his warrior.

"I apologize father, but why do you make one?" Castiel asked nodding his head to the lonesome little human who sat halfway done looking at his not yet detailed palms.

"Ah." God hummed pointing his finger to the ceiling of his workshop. "You misunderstand Castiel my son."

"I'm sorry?"

God laughed a great big humble laugh that would shake the earth and the clouds would move across the sky. "I make two with one heart."

Assuming his father meant he made everyone with a different side, Castiel squinted confused at the man. "I'm sorry father but I do not understand."

Chuckling god moved his hands to enclose the lonesome human that sat on his desk, completely. "Why I will show you, my son." Castiel nodded and moved closer to get a better look at the miracle.

Once god unclasped his fingers he breathed deeply and all of a sudden a glow surrounded the tiny human. Just to the left another human appeared this one was male he had dark hair and blue eyes while the original had blonde hair and green eyes. "I create everything with a soulmate." God explained as the two men finally caught sight of eachother and hugged eachother a little heart floating in the air.
Castiel watched the two men kiss and hug in bliss, for more than a second he wished he could love but angels weren't allowed.

"Now don't you see Castiel?" God asked as he
danced around his office holding the two boys in his hand. "This... this is love and life! This is something we cannot feel! This, this is what we don't have."

Castiel stared at the two tiny humans as they expressed love. "I'm sorry father but why is it?-" Castiel cut himself off starting to tear up, he wanted to feel love.

"I'm sorry Castiel? What was that?"

"Why can angels not love?" The angels asked straightforwardly.

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