FatalClan 😇🤨

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Alright my classy people what's up!
I'm starting a cool thing back up!
It's called the fatal clan
So to be in the fatal clan you have to message me your legal first name (it will not be shared without your consent.) I'll of course tell you mine you have to tell me your age and where you're From!
When you're in the fatal clan you basically just help give good ideas and we get in a group chat and we all talk about new books and such
However I do need my
Vicefatal or VF for short he or she will basically just help me make tough decisions and such.
ANYWHO message me such info as I just stated and the fatal clan will unite! (every sundays or whenever I summon y'all)
Anywho message me if ya need anything or wanna join the fatal clan the VF will be decided sometime in uhh January or February if anyone joins which is doubtful because who would want to spend their sundays with me discussing books than out doing relatively more cool stuff
Oh and I don't know how to make a groupchat on wattpad so if it is okay with everyone who is in FatalClan we would be meeting on a separate Social Media where I know how to make a groupchat like idk Instagram or something?

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