Hinata Shouyou X The Little Giant What if I saw you.

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Pairing: Hinata Shouyou X The Little Giant

Plot: soulmate au; when you're born you see the world in dark colors, you see colors just not to their true potential of brights and vibrants. However when you touch, even skim your soulmate's skin your exposed to these beautiful colors. However when you lose hope with your soulmate, when you no longer believe in your love or even them. Your world goes black and white......dark.

Story begin!

I've been able to see colors since my third year as a middle schooler. However the day my vision bursted into such colors was the day I was in Tokyo. People pushed and shoved against me and when I felt strange warmth brush my hand that's when I saw my world focus in on such brightness. My hair was a bright vibrant orange!
"Wahhhh!" I awed at everything. That's when I saw the Tv in the shop windows. The Tv was playing reruns from the Highschool Volleyball Nationals or HVN for short.
A black curly haired boy jumped and my heart leapt with him. He was flying! He slammed the ball past the wall of blockers and scored a point.
"And of course! Back at it with his killer spike, The Little Giant scores ANOTHER. point!" The announcer shouted, it seems he was getting rather "into it" as well.
"Well what do you expect from Karasuno's ace?" The other announcer questioned an expectant but awed tone taking his voice.
The Little Giant.....
"AH! Sho-Chan, hurry up we'll be late!" I heard Izumi shout at me.
'I don't want to go to the soccer match anymore' I was entranced into the Tv, my mind racing as colors swooped and swirled into my vision. Koji's soccer team made it to the middle school tournament's finals and we were going to cheer him on, but now?
"Sho-Chan!" Izumi shouted eager to get good seats. I snapped out of it and immediately turned my head to him. "Come on! Koji-Chan wants us there early!"
I snickered a bit as I started walking toward the huge building the match was held in, it was so painfully obvious they were crushing on each other. "You mean he wants you to come early. Come on Izumi you two are totally in love!"
Izumi's face bursted into flames, he stumbled after me muttering excuses but my thoughts were louder than his voice.
'This is what I live in?' I asked myself as I looked to the sky seeing bright blues with dashes of white every now and again. It was, well it was beautiful.
We finally found good seats and sat ourselves down. This was tense already, the fellow team was practicing and they were good. I tried daydreaming up a story so I could tune out, but I could practically feel Izumi's nerves and confidence and so much more practically oozing out of him.
"What's wrong Izumi?" I asked him patiently waiting for a hushed 'it's nothing' like he always gave when he was in distress.
He took a deep breath and sighed. "I want to tell Koji-Chan my feelings..." he trailed off.
I visibly brightened, finally some at least admittance! "That's great!" I chirped.
"I don't think he likes me back Sho-Chan." Izumi admitted his eyes turning glossy with tears.
My mouth gaped and my thoughts wavered for a few seconds. I didn't know what to do or say to comfort Izumi I've never seen my cheerful friend so.... so sad and heartbroken, at just a thought nonetheless! "Izumi." I spoke softly trying to gain his attention. "Listen, Koji may look tough and he may have some sharp edges, but he does like you. I think he'd be ecstatic to accept your feelings, and worst comes to worst and he doesn't like you back he doesn't know what he's missing."
Izumi let out a breath through his nose a laugh. A smile pulled onto his lips, not a big one but one that still let me know that Izumi was Izumi again.
A boy with pitch black hair entered the arena, following was the rest of Koji's team. Last out was Koji him carrying the soccer ball. The bright greens shimmered throughout the arena as our school waved flags and Pom-poms even popping those party poppers. I yawned, but then finally took notice of number 10.
He was incredibly short and had a 12 year olds features. His hair was pitch black and his skin was pale. "Oh that's Chisai Hanta!" Izumi explained as he caught my eye.
"Wait doesn't that mean small Hunter in English?" I asked him as I chewed my lip."
Izumi's furrowed his eyebrows for a second and then nodded. "Yeparoo!" He smiled.
I watched Chisai as he weaved his way through people and then kicked the ball into the opposing goal.
He looked as if he was hunting prey.
I sometimes glanced to Izumi and found that his gaze was only set on Koji, he was smitten.
Finally the match ended, we won 23-21. Everyone was very excited to party, I was excited to get out my old volleyball tonight.
I was walking out of the building and into the cold night when I saw Chisai and what looked to be his older brother.
"Hello!" I greeted them as I walked up. "You were really good tonight!" I chirped.
He shied away a blush on his cheeks. "Thank you Mister."
I internally grimaced at the idea of being an old man. "Please I'm 14 not 140, my name is Hinata Shouyou." I shook hands with Chisai and then moved to his brother.
His brother's eyes were a coal grey that seems lively but at the same time dull.
"Chisai Tenshi." He mumbled. Ten-San was attractive, very attractive.
I watched his eyes wide then suddenly he let out a small gasp. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what on earth went wrong.
"Well anywho! I'm off to the busses, I have to get to Miyagi by 10 so I can sleep in my own bed tonight. It was nice meeting you Chisai and Ten-San!" I bid them farewell as I left.
"We have to go the same way Hinata-San!" I heard Chisai call to me.
I slowed my pace and turned around. "Then come on!" I chuckled when I saw both brothers start to set in a brisk pace to catch up to me.
Chisai soon grew tired and practically demanded Ten-San to carry him on his back. Soft snores left his wide open and drool seeping mouth.
"So Small Angel huh?" I asked him softly as a mean to not wake the sleeping child.
Ten-Chan simply nodded. "I'm sure it was either that or Kyojin. And Kyojin and my stage name would have been too much a creepy coincidence so I like Tenshi."
"Stage name?" I asked him.
"I play High school Volleyball over at Karasuno High, I'm the ace. Most people call me The Small Giant so Chisai Kyojin would have been too freaky." Ten-Chan explained letting go of one of Chisai's legs to rub a scratch on his face.
"Woah really!" I shouted quietly.
"Careful your hick is showing." Ten-San teased me.
I scrunched my nose up at him playfully and rolled my eyes, he was cute I'll give him that.
I yawned as I finally finished my journey. Finally I'm in at least Miyagi. Ten-San carried Chisai off the bus and yawned as well. I was tired.
Ten-San then revealed that he lived one way and I lived another. I groaned at the thought of the now new journey home, seeing as I couldn't crash in the middle of the street.
"Goodbye Ten-San and Chisai!" I said as I started to depart from them.
Suddenly I felt someone grab my wrist, my heart stuttered. I was tugged gently back into my previous position; in front of Ten-San. I shivered as he cupped one of my cheeks seeing he needed to balance the still snoozing Chisai. He moved forward quick and hastily. Our lips sealing rather clumsily as he struggled with the added on deadweight that was perched on his back.
I wanted to push and shove him against a wall demanding for more, but I also wanted to kiss him soft and sweet taking things slow. Was this the "fireworks" everyone tried to describe? This feeling of confusion being a hair's breadth away from being disaster.

I would never know.

That was actually fun to write! I like the names Tenshi and Hanta as well as Chisai! Anywho I hope you enjoyed!!!

Don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own haikyuu or any of its characters no copyright infringement intended

Word count: 1480

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