Kuroo Tetsuro X Bokuto Koutarou WALSD add on/its your time to be happy

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Walk a little straighter daddy add on/ part two.

Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro X Bokuto Koutarou

Plot: it's finally their wedding and for once Kuroo's dad stays.

Story begin:

Shaky hands reach up to fix even more shakier bow ties. This was the day, that young love rises. And good god was everybody nervous and crying.

It was not anyone's fault, and Kuroo wasn't nervous about the ceremony or even homophobic family members he invited, it was more so his father.

Kuroo's dad has been a drunk for the longest time Kuroo could remember, not a mean drunk but still not as nice to be around drunk. Kuroo's dad was the space cadet drunk, the kind that would just stare off into a different universe.

And although his dad was a drunk, the old drunk still cared deeply for his son.

Kuroo breathed out a breath that was so shaky he couldn't decide whether it was the start of a earthquake or just nerves talking. Butterflies flapped against his ribcage, spiders crawled up and down his throat, a cat snatched his tongue, and sand pipers jumped in his feet. Kuroo was nervous.

"Kuroo you're on in five." The wedding director said quickly to him as she squeezed back out the door to check on everything else.

Kuroo's best man came up, Kenma Kozume. "Nerves?"

"Nerves? Ha I laugh in the face of nerves."

Just then Hinata started cussing. "What?! what's wrong?!" Kuroo shouted running towards him.

Everyone laughed. Nothing I'm just joking, just proving you really do got Nerves." Hinata winked slyly.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Kuroo shouted back, already feeling flustered.

"Kuroo we need you." The wedding director announced.

*timeskip a bit*

He wasn't there.

The wedding hadn't started yet, but Kuroo was peeking through the wooden barn doors. He was probably off getting drunk somewhere, a bar. He'd probably show up late with that same I-screwed-up-face, the one that always brought tears to Kuroo's eyes more then the fact he was late. He was trying. Kuroo could see that, the old man was trying, he was giving it his best.

But sometimes his best, isn't enough.

The wedding director stalked up to Kuroo. "The wedding HAS to go on." She spoke quickly. So quickly that Kuroo could barely keep up, what wedding? My wedding? Who am I marrying again? Oh yeah Bokuto, my bestfriend Bokuto, Bokuto Koutarou the one I've been in love with all my life.

I exhaled deeply, is this how my wedding's gonna go? "Yeah okay. Carry on."

I felt someone offer a hand of comfort but I shook it off, I don't need comfort, I need my father here at my wedding.

I began to walk down the "aisle". My shoes clunked against the wet grass and I could feel the eyes of so many people on me. 200 and 30 to be exact, so many people. Do I know these people?

Bokuto has yet to come down the aisle. All my groomsmen are here and so are his, but he has yet to come. Finally he began to walk down the aisle. He walked slowly, he walked to a song. The reverend was Daichi, he held his script in our favorite book "The Giving Tree."

Once Bokuto reached me I grabbed his hands, his hands that have always been warm. I was looking at Bokuto, I was nodding and smiling and even chuckling a bit, but I was actually completely out of it. I was focusing on my dad.

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