Tsukishima x yamaguchi Anorexic

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Ship: Tsukishima kei x Yamaguchi tadashi

Plot: ever wonder why Tsukishima is so stick thin? How about why he refuses to eat? Or when he does eat he eats so little? Well what if Yamaguchi finds something out about his dear friend he doesn't like.

I don't understand tsuki. I mean I do, but only to an extent. He's very close minded. He doesn't talk a lot, when he does he's usually served with a cubic ton of salt. But he's my tsuki, I wouldn't trade him for anything else.

"Yamaguchi." Tsuki called from the classroom door.

"Ah gomen tsuki!" I shouted getting up from my seat and running after him. Tsuki wasn't perfect, I knew that. He had a lot of problems, especially ones concerning his health, whether that be mental, emotional, or physical. Tsuki wasn't perfect at all, but somehow I still found ways to love him.

We were walking briskly out the school trying not to catch anyone it was a Friday before spring break so we didn't have to worry about volleyball practice today. Daichi however ran straight into us as he seemed to be walking rather fast as well. "Ah Tsukishima Yamaguchi there you are! Spring break starts next week and the club was invited to nekoma's practice camp again. The one we took a few weeks ago." (The one with owl boy bokuto right before the spring tournament.)

"Oh? Fun." Tsukishima said giving daichi a hard time to continue the conversation. However daichi has been dealing with the salt king for a year now so he just kept talking.

"Yeah. So are you guys up for it? We're meeting later tonight in the gym for a sleepover then we're leaving super early. Coach ukai thought it would be a better idea then everyone sleeping at their own houses and just getting up super early. I mean considering the fact Hinata and Tanaka were almost late last time." Daichi said easily holding the conversation with Tsuki.

Tsuki thought about it for a complete five seconds, "Sure why not."

Tsuki always spoke with boredom and such vagueness. It was kind of hard to decipher wether he was happy or not. Greeting emotions out of him are about as easy as teaching a rock to speak. Tsuki's difficult, especially when it comes to expressiveness.

*time skip to the camp*

"TSUKISHIMA-KUN!!!" A screaming bokuto flung passed the karasuno boys to grapple onto the salty stick thin blonde. I watched a Tsuki tried to shake the owl boy off of him but had little luck. In just a few moments kuroo was hugging bokuto's waist for the captain was hugging tsuki's entire body and he wanted to group hug. I watched from a short distance my duffel bag by my side. I heard my keychains chime as the wind made them clash into eachother. Why, why was tsukishima so stick thin?

"Dinner time!" Kiyoko-San smiled as she set a big rice bowl down in the middle of our table. Everyone sat down and embraced the cool Tokyo air. All the other managers set down numerous foods and drinks.

"Ah yachi-San do you know where my water bottle went?" I asked as the small blonde set down another plate of watermelon.

She straightened up her back and said. "Oh yes Yamaguchi-kun I think I saw it over there" she pointed over towards the gym.  "it's the blue neko-"

"AH AH AH! THANK YOU YACHI-SAN!" I screamed cutting her off. I didn't need every volleyball player know I had a blue neko water bottle. As I walked over to the gym entrance I peered in. 'Bingo!' I thought as I spotted the blue cat water bottle. I walked into the gym but froze as I heard talking in the halls to the bathrooms and water fountains.

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