Daichi sawamura X sugawara why you?

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Pairing: Daichi X Suga

Plot: Daichi and Suga are having problems and one day Daichi finds out why.

❗️❗️❗️ANGST WARNING❗️❗️❗️



'I don't want you to see me like this.'


'I'm so ashamed...'


'Please don't leave me...'


'Please move on.'


'I love you so much Daichi, I'm so sorry...'

"YOU KNOW WHAT SUGA I'M DONE. GOODBYE." The door slammed shut after he said that. I know I was being unreasonable, I know I was being a snob and a brat but I can't let him see me like this.

*2 years later*


Daichi's pov:

Oh Hinata getting into another bike accident. Hinata was riding his bike down the street when he ran over a pinecone and flipped his bike, coming out of the situation with a broken wrist. It was just like him to let that happen..... just like him.

It's been two year exactly since Sugawara and I broke up. It was painful, I mean of course it was, he was my first love. I haven't dated anyone since him, no one felt right?

"Dadchi-san can you get me some water?" Hinata asked still laying drugged on the loopy medicine. I nodded and got up.

I opened the door and shut it lightly behind me. I was walking toward the vending machine to get water for Hinata and of course even though he didn't ask a milk for Kageyama. Curiosity got the better of me and I peered through the rooms windows just to. I was walking casually when I spotted the same puff of grey hair that I fell in love with. Except he wasn't in a chair or standing by the bed..... he was in the bed...


I opened the door and walked into the room and watched his heart monitor, it went up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down... It was almost hypnotizing. I pivoted my body toward his bed. He was laying on his side, sleeping his right hand was cupped and placed by his mouth. When I peered into his palm I saw light red splatters..... blood?

The door swung open and I spun around to see a nurse. "Excuse me sir you can't be in here."

"Ah I'm sorry its just I know hi-" "Sir you CAN NOT be here."

"But I kno-" I tried to say but the nurse cut me off.

"Sir it is against the rules to have you in this patients room-" "It's okay he's my boyfriend." A soft weak voice interrupted the nurse's rant. We both looked to the voice to see Suga sitting up in bed a soft smile on his face.

The nurse seemed frustrated so she huffed and gritted out a "Very well." And spun on her heels and walked out the room.

I looked at Suga he sighed and then looked at me smiling. "Why are you in here?"

"Ah here." Suga reached over to his nightstand and picked up a folder and passed it to me. I opened the folder with hesitance this could make me or break me.

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