Oikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime Your Jealousy is like venom

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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru X Iwaizumi

Plot: Oikawa gets a little too close to his favorite karasuno player, freckles-chan. Resulting in Iwaizumi getting jealous and frightening poor freckles-chan, upsetting Oikawa.

(I like the AU where Oikawa helps Yamaguchi with his serve and they have like an older brother younger brother relationship)


Oikawa's pov:

Ahh I love when Karasuno comes! They're so much fun and I love little freckles-chan. He's so cute and innocent and he calls me Oikawa-senpai! Of course that's only because right after the match and before they go home I help him with his serve for about 2-3 hours while everyone else rests.

"Freckles-chan are you paying attention?" I asked the smaller freckled boy. He looked up at me startled and nodded very quickly. Oh freckles-chan...

"Gomen Oikawa-senpai..." He responded trailing off... something was wrong with freckles-chan.

I sighed and sat down on the floor. "Well out with it what's wrong freckles-chan?" He slowly sat down across from me.

He mumbled something so quietly I couldn't hear him. "What freckles-chan?"

He scratched the back of his head and mumbled a bit louder. "I wanna play.... I'm the only first year that can't play... I feel useless....."

"Oh... Well you wanna hear a story of me?" I asked him. He kinda looked at me with a wtf-this-is-how-you're-cheering-me-up-look.

"Well I'll take that as a yes. Believe it or not, when I first came to high school and joined the volleyball team I was the only first year that was benched too.."

"Really? But you're the captain and you won an award!" Freckles-chan shouted.

I laughed. "Well yeah I did but they didn't want an award winner they wanted a player. I was the pinch setter and server and guess what I only ever touched the ball in practice... but I worked hard and believed I could do it and eventually I was made a regular halfway through my second year!"

I then rolled up my shorts. "Oh and I felt useless too. Please stop freckles-chan..." My thighs were littered with light pale scars and even a few fresh ones. I noticed it earlier his shorts rode up a bit when he was sitting on the ground and when he stretched his shirt rode up as well revealing that there was even some on his stomach.

"Oinkawa what are you doing?" I immediately went rigid.

"Hi Iwa-chan!" I exclaimed getting up this wasn't going to be pretty.

I glanced down at freckles-chan as I stood in front of him, and he looked absolutely terrified. I understood Iwa-chan was a scary guy! "What's he doing here?" Oh dear and there's the jealousy.

"I was teaching him how to serve Iwa-chan no need to get angry." Freckles-chan started to get bouncy as he sat on the ground nervousness evident in his movements.

"Oh really then why is he so nervous?"

"Because Iwa-chan you're scaring him." I retaliated. I didn't want Iwa-chan to scare Freckles-chan away. Freckles-chan was my favorite Karasuno player.

"I'm scaring him?" Iwa-chan said angrily I stood protectively in front of freckles-chan. Iwa-chan wouldn't hurt me...... right?

I started to get upset too what on gods green earth was there to get angry about? "Yeah you are Iwa-chan so if you could just back it up and check your attitude that'd be great for all of us."

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