Oikawa Tooru X Iwaizumi Hajime The voices we hear

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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru X Iwaizumi Hajime

Plot: Oikawa is gone.

Story begin:

I sometimes wonder how angels see. But then I remember that there's no such things as angels....

I felt tears come to my eyes, everything seemed to overwhelm me lately. "Look what the cat dragged in." I sighed and flipped to my other side.

"What?" The voice asked. "Why are you here Oikawa?"

I bit my tongue willing myself not to answer, but he always won. "Because I've gone mad."

"Only psychotics end up here. Why are you here?" He asked me again, his breath so realistic against my ear.

"I'm psychotic." I answered shortly trying to wish him away.

I heard a snort. "Because what? You decided to make a friend?"

"You're not my friend, not anymore."

"Oh Honey, I am your best friend. You're only friend." His snickered, the bed creaked as he sat down next to me. "I mean who would want to be friends with psychos?" My teeth gritted painfully. His breath was wet and warm against my ear as he whispered manipulated words. "You're no psycho. So why doesn't anybody want to be friends with you? I just can't figure it out... it truly is a puzzle."

I huffed. "One that has been put away for quite awhile. I have no idea why you keep insisting on bringing it out." I retorted. Finding no more comfort in the bed I stood, still refusing to face him.

My light blue pants fell straight, no longer baggy. I walked slowly to the door wanting to peer out the window, try and find some distraction from the devil that sat a few feet away from me.

"I don't know either." He answered mockingly, he did know. "Maybe we should look at that together?"

"Or you could leave me alone forever." I sniffed and scratched at my noes. "I like my suggestion better."

He sighed almost in a sad way. "Shame. I was really hoping on solving a mystery with you, I could be Shaggy and you could be Scooby."

"Leave." I muttered.

"Mmm, I don't think so Bucko." He spat. "After all, I am what you desire."

I couldn't help but think how beautiful he could make his words sound. The way they rolled around on his tongue then finally came spilling out as new words came in. "You are the very least of my desires."

"Then why am I here?"

"Because you won't go away." I answered still facing the door.

"Or maybe, you want me here more than you thought. Maybe you're lonely. Think about it Oikawa, I can't be here unless you want me here."

"That is not true." I argued back. Why would I want such a thing with me.

"That loyalty will be your undoing my friend." He stated his voice taking on a disappointed tone.

I swallowed hard and finally turned facing the black spiked haired boy. His name is Iwaizumi. That's not true his real name is Lucifer, Satan, I just don't like that name considering the fact he visits me. I don't like being psychotic.

The truth is I'm his vessel. When Lucifer was released from the cage in hell he and Michael the angel who casted him into the cage are to have some epic fight, otherwise known as the apocalypse. The skin Lucifer now has is just some poor boy who wasn't born to this role like I was. But Lucifer isn't a demon, he's an angel. An angel needs to have permission to enter someone's body, therefore he needs my permission.

"Why on earth would I want Lucifer himself, with me." I spit at him, tears of frustrations where streaming down my face. "I did nothing to deserve this, this life!" I sat myself down on the bed they spared, Iwaizumi sat behind me.

I could feel Iwaizumi's fingers tangling into my hair, they were cold like ice yet they felt so warm. He started to thread them and even trace a circle around my ear. "Oh Oikawa. You did nothing, nothing at all. Just born, that is all."

"Why me?" I asked my voice cracking with emotions.

"Because it had to be you, it always had to be you Oikawa." Iwaizumi hummed as he gently grabbed my chin pulling my face towards his.

My heart started pounding and my cheeks turned red, this can't happen. Perhaps it was the fact I've never been in a intimate situation, well I'd hope it was for that fact and I wasn't developing feelings for Lucifer himself.

He leaned in closer and closer and I felt myself start to flinch. What would come to me if I were to accept this kiss? Would I be the kiss of death and I die? Would it be accepting Lucfier in?

Rough chapped lips sealed mine and I felt lost. Then all of a sudden my eyes blurred. Tingles started to spread across my skin like wildfire and my breathing started to go Sporadic.

I was kissing Lucifer. I quickly moved my head sharply to the left braking our contact. "My my my, that was pleasuring." He concluded as he let his eyes rest at my face.

"You're not real." I shouted at him. Tears started to spontaneously run down my face.

"Then why are you crying my dear? Those are not tears of joy love." He mocked as he let a tear of mine run off his finger and splat onto the floor.

"Shut up!" I shouted at him.

"Perhaps you are lonely! It was just a silly joke last time but maybe you actually are! Maybe you're just a mental patient waiting for his next pill train to come around because you'll never get out of this stupid maze you've put yourself into. Im just a vision laying in your deepest darkest shadows, your regrets and lies, waiting to attack. I'm just a mere hallucination."

A sinister grin overtook his face.

"Perhaps I'm a whole new different adventure, love?"

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