Hinata shouyou x kageyama tobio Reunions

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Anime: haikyuu
Ship: hinata shouyou x kageyama tobio
Plot: They were seperated after high school ended but now they reunite when ukai calls in the old team to help his new team find their hook on volleyball.

(Hinata's pov)
I, the great hinata shouyou, was nervous. I've avoided the biggest most kingly threat in my life successfully for now 10 years. 4 of those years playing college volleyball then 6 more for professional volleyball. I'm not going to lie, I knew we would have to meet again, it was inevitable. But I didn't think we'd meet under such conditions, I thought we'd meet like at nationals (which I've won 5 times, no need to brag tho ;P ), not a crappy old high school. Not at karasuno. And definitely not with a shy timid boy latched onto a volleyball net crying for his precious setter to come back. Nu uh that was not supposed to happen, AT ALL. But it did. Okay but to tell the story correctly you'll have to walk in my shoes. Now let it all begin

Underline = coach ukai
Bold = hinata
*ring* *ring*


"Hinata shouyou?"

"Yep that's me!"

"Hey it's coach ukai from karasuno!"

"Oh hiya coach ukai!"

"How's it going?"

"Good good how's the team?"

"Horrible we got a new duo. Mahiru, shirota and kuro, ash. They're definitely not as....not as...."

(Background noise = italics.)

"kuroooooo pleaseeee help meeee T~T"

"For the last time mahiru. You can't keep calling for kuro. And kuro quit babying your partner!"

"They're not as mature yet...? Mahiru is a lot like Yamaguchi and kuro is well he's just a lot like Tsukishima and kageyama mixed. And the new team definitely hasn't found their hook yet not even the third years..."

"Woah I'm sorry coach ukai!"

"Yeahhh so hey how about we gather the original old team to help straighten these boys out!?"

"Umm sir you realize we're all gay too right?"

"physically hinata, physically."

"OHHHHHH. Yeah okay sounds super fun!"

"Okay well you should get cracking on that."

"Wait wha-"

"Ah ah ah I'm old now. My poor old bones can't handle the stress." 

"YOU'RE ONLY 32!!!"

"32 years still too old."

"Whatever you big oldie."



And just like that the call ended. And hinata began to resemble the team by calling sugamama and let him do all the work.
Suga= underline
Background/ daichi =italics
Hinata= bold
*ring* *ring*

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