Sugawara koushi x daichi sawamura. The struggles of us.

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Pairing: sugawara x Daichi and slight kageyama X hinata
Plot: Suga and Daichi are no different from the rest of society. However what happens when they decide a baby is what they need. And much less the struggles of being parents to the little orphan boy they decide to adopt and name "Hinata." Oh the struggles of us.

Story begin:


"AHH. Oh my god." A heavily breathing Daichi rocketed up to 9 feet in the air. The little tiny baby he held in his arms suddenly broke into wails.

"Daichi! Gentle will ya!" His boyfriend said rocking a baby with blonde ruffled hair.

Daichi glanced from the strawberry pink haired baby to the blonde baby and sighed. "Sorry suga." The joys of adopting. Yes, they were adopting. They finally after a loving 13 years of dating they finally came to the decision to adopt. I mean they were 27 and 28 years old they should be able to adopt a child and keep it alive right. Well suga was a little anxious (Even though it was his idea!!!) he tried to keep a daisy alive to prove to himself he could keep a baby alive, however the daisy didn't last a week.

"Umm excuse me.... I think we would like to see some toddlers now." Daichi said hesitantly. It felt awkward. I mean they were at the hyakuya's orphanage and they were asking to see different types of kids as if they were dogs!

"Of course dears." The middle aged women walked the couple to a classroom after setting the babies back into the nursery. The orphanage was in an old school of course it was a very nice old school, it was of high quality. They filed all the kids into rooms during the day, to play and eat and even learn. And at night 3 kids would share a bedroom.

"This is our toddler room." The middle aged women announced. It was covered in play mats and foam. There was papers that covered the walls so the kids could draw and paint on the papered wall. There was a foam castle and baby locked fridges and cupboards that looked stacked full with toddler food. There was also two hot tubs not plugged in but filled with pillows and blankets for sleeping as well as a bookshelf.

The whole room screamed toddler. There was only about 12 or so toddlers screaming and running around. "MISTEW MISTEW WOULD YOU WIKE SOME WEMOMADE?" a short girl with rosy cheeks asked Daichi.

"Of course!" The man replied taking her fake lemonade and "drinking" it.

*time skip*

The two males played in the toddler room for hours. Playing dragons and princesses watching Cinderella and even baking real cookies. Once it was nap time all the kids piled into the two hot tubs and nestled themselves down.

All except for one.

A lone boy laid stiff underneath a table wrapped in a blue baby blanket.

"Excuse me miss. Who is that boy." Suga asked pointing to the boy. His motherly instincts urged him to care for the lonely looking toddler as he laid alone.

"Oh. He has no name. Our intern Mao (the little giant) found him out on the streets one day. The boy has tons of energy, practically unlimited! But he was especially attached to Mao." The middle aged lady looked sadly at the boy. "Mao hasn't come here in months. It's like he's disappeared off the face of the earth, It's a shame, he's a good kid too. Poor boy no body even spares him a glance."

Suga looked crestfallen at the boys story. He knew if that ever happened to him he'd lose all respect for himself. Daichi however looked sympathetic towards the small boy.

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