Kuroo Testsuroo X Kenma Kozume I still care

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Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuroo X Kenma Kozume
Plot: Kenma went through a light bullying when he was young now older he has to decide whether or not he still cares.

Story begin!:

I care.

I make it seem like I don't. Like I'm so stuck in my video games that I've turned a dead ear to the world, but I am still here. Tuned in.

Kids are cruel. Kids are mean. As long as they watch you bleed.

I take a shaky breath.

Is this all I will ever mount to? A skinny highschool volleyball setter with "pudding" hair?







One more.
Shouyou: U guys have a game tonight? *~*

Me: yes

Shouyou: cool! Good luck! =^•^=

Me: thanks :)


I groan.

Time for school. If I was a dropout with $6 to my name would I travel around America? Or would I be in a back alley with ticks crawling my skin and a drug in my system? I don't think I wanna find out.

School is my enemy. You know how every good book has a problem? A villain? Well in my book school is my villain. And not because of the fact I'm not fond of talking or even just because I don't find joy in learning but because I care for what everyone thinks of me.

I care way too much.

I shouldn't but I do.

"Kenma!" I heard Kuroo shout as I walk to school.

Kuroo. I like him, I like him way more than I should. A crush perhaps. I sighed blissfully at the idea of me and Kuroo to- sorry Kuroo and I.

"Hey! You ready for today's match?" He asked once he picked up his pace and was soon striding next to me.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully. I couldn't tell if I was ready or not.

Kuroo chuckled at me. "Better find out before school ends!" He carelessly tossed around his words.

"Of course." I answered. We were nearing his English class.

Just stay a little longer.

I cringed slightly when he held up his hand in a farewell. But relentlessly I nodded and smiled slightly back.

*time skip*

I was laying out in the courtyard on the soft green grass as I waited for 6th hour to end. I'm ready to go home already, but I have a match today. Well a practice match.

My eyes burned when I blinked. This was what my life was. Blindly I left the grass and went inside. Lev was practicing and Yaku as usual was being the mom he is.

"Kenma! Go start setting practice balls to us!" Kuroo ordered me like I was a dog.

I picked up a ball.


I got into position.

Roll over Kenma!

I began tossing.

Good boy Kenma!

Ball after ball.

Sit Kenma!

Toss after toss.

Heel Kenma.



I heard them. Up in the stands. They throw mocking gestures and jokes about me around like it's child's play.

I sigh.

I can't focus. It costed us thirteen points and a win.

But it rewarded me with a pissed off captain, and team.

I was tired. I knew Kuroo was gonna either chew me out or ignore me in a fit of anger. I prefer the latter though. I put so many players in danger today, no wonder Kuroo is mad.

A locker slammed bringing me back to life. Everyone was gone, except me and Kuroo. "What's wrong?" Kuroo asked abruptly and straight to the point.

"I don't know." I answered.

"BS tell me."

I scrounged my face up into a scowl "No. Nothing is wrong."

I turned to leave but then he hit it right on the head. "It's about those guys up in the stands isn't it?"

I stiffened like someone just spoke of something that took my mind. "I saw you staring at them."

"It's nothing." I mumbled quickly.

"No it's something." Kuroo persisted.

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"NO!" I shouted. I wasn't in the mood for his cat games.

"Just tell me, I can make it all better."

"I care okay?" I finally admitted. "I care about everything. I care too much. I care what people think of me, why people think of me, how people think of me. I care about everything. How ugly I am. How everyone thinks of my pudding hair. I care." I started shouting.

"You shouldn't." Kuroo said.


"I know."

I breathed heavily this is what I'm afraid of.

"But you shouldn't. You're beautiful."

I never stopped thinking, or caring. In fact that day just magnified it. I don't know why Kuroo did what he did. There was no secret I love yous or whatever.

But I wish there was.

Sorry that one went funky? Anywho

Don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own haikyuu or any of its characters no copyright infringement intended


Word count: 830

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