Another filler headcanons =^•^=

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Okay so I'm not gonna be updating tonight, but  I had a really busy day today and I just want to go to bed tbh but since I love you guys so much I'll update with some headcanons =^•^=


-Yamaguchi has an obsession with stuffed animals like if he sees one at the store he'll carry it around and pout (sometimes even cries) when he has to put it back

-  Tsukishima still keeps all his dinosaurs in his room and has dinosaur posters around his room

-when they were little Yamaguchi and Tsukishima but up a bunch of stars (like the glow ones)around Tsukishima's room because Yamaguchi was scared of the dark

- Hinata doesn't have a gag reflex like he can deep throat the neck of a beer bottle, it makes kageyama  so flustered

- All the Kouhais call kageyama cowgeyama bc Tsukishima just said during a fight. "Oh shut up cowgeyama." Everyone fell to the floor laughing because it was so true.

- narita shoved a penny up his noes and walked around practice while everyone laughed. But later he had a slight panic attack because he could get it out of his noes.

- Kinoshita dyed his hair blue once but the dye washed out turning it an ugly seaweed green. He cried at first but then cut his hair and was all good with it.

- Ennoshita when he was a first year he was walking into the inter high preliminaries gym and he just fell so hard he got a bloody nose, he was so embarrassed he almost started to cry. The other teams called him "floor-Kun."

-Tanaka once ate a worm in front of Ennoshita and got decked in the face bc it was and I quote "gross af".

- Nishinoya uses rolling thunder when he trips to hide that he tripped he just freaking goes rolling onto the ground and everytime his classmates look at him like he just committed a sin.

- When Asahi sees the dog adoption commercials he sobs until someone (Suga) punches him and tells him to straighten up.

- Suga and Daichi have this on going game of who can make the other blush, Suga is in the lead with squeezing Daichi's butt during one of his motivational talks.

- when Hinata and kags started to date, kageyama was so bad at dating that he never said I love you or really flirted bc he was so nervous around Hinata, and that made Hinata have mental breakdowns and panic attacks at night. (This is actually me and my boyfriend right now I'm Hinata and he's kags but idk if he's really just nervous around me fml)

- One day Hinata was trying to kiss kageyama but he was too short and kageyama was like "wtf boke." And Hinata just says. "I'm trying to give you surprise kisses but you're too tall." And so in the middle of Hinata rambling kageyama just leans down and gives Hinata a fiery passionate surprise kiss.

- Bonus^: Tsukishima and yamaguchi were watching and Yama asked "why don't you ever give me surprise kisses?" And Tsukishima just says. "I only do surprise butt attacks" (this is a fanart and it is not mine I do not own this idea)

- Yaku purposely makes lev embarrassed because when Lev gets embarrassed he slouches and that way when he slouches Yaku can kiss his face if he tries hard enough.

- kuroo was once sick and begged kenma to come over except when he did Kenma was bombed with a punch of feathers by a totally not sick kuroo so now whenever kuroo says he's sick Kenna won't even pay attention to him.

- Bokuto will legit get attached to any kind of animal like if you let him hold your pet chicken then you better do a head count before he leaves bc he will legit steal your family cow if you don't watch him.

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