Some filler head canons =^•^=

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So I did not have a chance to write another chapter because I'm American and it was the Fourth of July two days ago and me and my dad and step mom were going from party to party crashing all of them until like 12ish at night so I did not have a chance and I just haven't had a chance to wright these past few days so instead I'll do some headcanons and then possibly update tonight!

- Yamaguchi ugly cries (but it's still adorable)
-Tsukkishima still owns his dinosaur toys and refuses to get rid of them
-Hinata can cook because of Natsu and it's like Gordon Ramsey good.
-kageyama can only cook bread and he messes up on that sometimes still ^
-Narita is secretly a closet shipper he ships everything tsukkiyama, kagehina, asanoya, daisuga even ransoms ships of people he just sees in stores like "like aww he'd be cute with him~."
-Kinoshita has an obsession with cracking his fingers like he is already taking arthritis pills (kidding).
-Ennoshita is self-conscious of his "chubby" cheeks like he legit googles ways to get rid of them.
-Tanaka is scared of flamingos because one tried to eat his shoe at the zoo.
-Nishinoya is obsessed with Eminem like he can rap songs and it's almost scary.
-Asahi has a fear of the Kool aid man and the teletubbies (A/n: I actually have a fear of them)
-sugawara invites the team over for dinner when his parents are out of town.
-Daichi once tried to grow his hair out but Suga would do nothing but complain so he cut it again.
-Takeda-sensei WAS really really popular and flirty (like a oikawa)  in his highschool days but then something tragic happened like his sister died  and now he's shy and a huge dork because he loved his sister!
-Coach Ukai tries to visit his grandpa (the original Coach Ukai little giants Ukai.) at least 4 times a week and they have a special bond and honestly it's adorable.

*Third years as first years*

-Daichi as a first year was a riot he was like a taller Hinata but only because he drank milk like it was his life source (he still does) and he was obsessed with spiking however he calmed down in his second year when he was a senpai~
-Suga was really shy at first like he refused to talk to anyone BUT DAICHI AND ASAHI.
-Asahi tried to once do a handstand in the gym because he was a goof back them a goof with anxiety of course and he fell over and hit his noes baddddd on the floor now he's scared of handstands.
Okay okay
-Yamaguchi is the captain.
- ^ but he's always asking everybody he even calls ennoshita, Daichi, bokuto, kuroo, and Oikawa for help because he's just a more confident baby with anxiety.
-Kageyama wears glasses now because Hinata hit him so hard in the back of the head second year that he bruised his vision and now he can't see anything without them.
- ^ when they get in their "play" argument where they're yelling and kageyama shakes him, grabs his head, or kicks him Hinata just slips his glasses off till he's calmed down.
-Tsukishima is still the salty baby he is now except he's TALLER?!?! And he has such long hair like how dare you make yourself hotter.
-The first years love Yamaguchi and Hinata the most because they're so lovable.
-there's a short first year who just adores tsukki to death he just wants to be tsukki but he sucks at blocking he keeps insisting he'll get better so he can switch positions but he's a wingspiker.
-Yachi ends up finding a new manager however as weird as it is for the other teams it's a boy. He's enthusiastic and he loves goldfish even though it's American and he is in fact obsessed with Kageyama and Yamaguchi's serves because like woah! And he's obsessed with kageyama just period.
-Yamaguchi's has longer hair to wear he pulls it back into a pony tail and he also has like an earring he got in honor of the original third year's and his momma.
- ^ his earring is like one of those ones that have a script in it saying stuff and it says like "thank you for teaching me when I thought I couldn't learn."
-Daichi, Suga, Asahi and the second year's come back at least 1 time every month to help with practice at first the first years were scared of them especially Tanaka but then they warmed up to them.
-Hinata has fluffier hair like its thicker and fluffier and just wow boy.
-Kageyama has a little longer hair.
-the second years dare Kageyama to do stupid stuff to embarass Hinata because they know how much they like eachother.
-Yamaguchi has taken on the momma mode the second and first year's call him yamamama and Tsukkishima Dadshima.
-Oh and Tsukishima is the vice captain.
-Kageyama and Hinata kept their positions except now HINATA IS THE ACE!
-yamaguchi is a horrible smack talker so he leaves it to Tsukishima who's roasts are so hot like it burns the other team to death.
-^ one time Karasuno was at a match against a new school and they were like trash talking everyone (tsukki was in the bathroom) so then all of a sudden this tall dude comes out of nowhere and roasts the F out of everyone like Jesus Christ dude chill.
- ^ one thing the new rival team said was "I bet that 10 sucks like he's so small wtf I bet he's just a benched sub" and then hinata freaking just slams the ball into their side and just says "I'm the benched sub."
- Kageyama joins him but known as the genius scary setter.
-yamaguchi has received monster spikes and gone sliding across the ground to connect a dead ball and every time he succeeds.
-the first year that adores tsukki convinced the team to buy him a dinosaur hoodie.
-^ however yamaguchi had to put back tsukki s gift from him because yamaguchi got him the same thing.
-their libero is basically a short asahi.
-Hinata is still the shortest on the team though he gets angry about that.
-Tsukki is 195 cm now
*second years as third year's!*
-Ennoshita captain (obviously)
-Tanaka the ace.
-Narita and kinoshita playing more in games not yet regulars tho
-Ennoshita took momma mode and Tanaka took dad mode.
-Tanaka is the vice captain.
-Tanaka had the first year's call him Tanaka-Sendai.
- Nishinoya and ennoshita was he first years favorite senpais
-Nishinoya wore his hair down once to practice Hinata would not stop staring at him.


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