Oikawa Tooru X Iwaizumi Hajime You're both a happy couple

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First song oneshot
Pairing: oinks X Iwa-chan
Plot: Oikawa Tooru famous singer reunited with his bestfriend Iwaizumi Hajime only to find he's got a girlfriend! Heartbroken he does what he knows best write songs expressing his feelings and then singing them.

Oinks pov:

Ugh I hate all of this. Why can't I just sing my songs without all the fame. I still live in an apartment I'm still surviving off of top ramen and I still take the subway, I don't get it. If you're wondering yes I get money and I could be richer than the president but I don't want it I give all my money to charity and all the cute puppies and kitties!!!

'God I'm so hungry' I walked to my fridge trying to find something appealing. Don't get me wrong I love love LOVE top ramen butttt I ran out and I really don't wanna go to the store. Finding myself out of luck I grabbed my hat and stuck it on also throwing on a large sweatshirt. I walked out of my apartment searching discretely for my cat on the way, he got out a lot although I wasn't worried if he ran away I was more so worried he'd get found by my land lord who isn't fond of cats.

'Finally' I thought as I walked through the self-opening doors as much as I wanted to I had to refrain from opening it with "the force", god I love Star Wars. I was walking to point B, top ramen. Suddenly someone a real beefy guy just freaking slammed into me, making me fall onto the ground. I glanced at the crouching man totally ready for a fangirl moment when the guy stopped and looked down. "Oinkawa?"

I froze lookin at the dude I sat up and reached to the crouching man and grabbed his cheeks squishing them together and such. "Iwa-chan?" I asked.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Iwa-chan asked.

I was slightly offended but then remembered I was a singer. "Umm I... live two miles past the bridge in an apartment complex... I was just getting top ramen and rice..."

"Oikawa why are you eating top ramen and rice aren't you, ya know famous?" Iwa-chan asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well yeah I'm pretty popular but that doesn't mean I have money..." I mumbled scratching my cheek as I was still on the ground. It's not that I was waiting for Iwa-chan to pick me up it was just I very slightly rolled my ankle and didn't want to embarrass myself by trying to get up in front of previous Iwa-chan.

Iwa-chan then stuck his hand out in front of my face. "Ya need help up?"

I blushed a teeny weeny little bit... "Hah? Oh thank you!" I cheered as I gripped his hand and let him pull me up. My ankle protested but I toughened it up.

"Excuse me but Iwaizumi who's this?" A sickeningly sweet voice asked. I glanced up and was met with a blonde chick with way too much make up on.

Iwa-chan looked at her and seemed surprised and then disappointed. "Ah Hayani this is my old child hood friend well actually he's still my bestfriend Oikawa." Iwa-chan introduced me.

I smiled at her stuck my hand out to shake hands when she clicked her tongue and said very rudely. "Pleasure." She didn't even bother to shake my hand she just wrapped her stick thin arms around Iwa-chan and whispered things in his ear.

And that was when I met her. the girl or demon that ruined my life. My perfectly planned life with Iwa-chan in detail, she ruined it faster than I could say communism. Iwa-chan insisted we hang out as much as possible, which of course insisted she hang out too. I was mostly around his house since I was too embarrassed to have him and HER at my tiny apartment complex.

" Iwaizumi would you mind getting me my make up bag?" Hayani asked pursing her lips. Iwa-chan and I were in the middle of talking about the books we've read when she so rudely interrupted I shook it off of course.

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