HC. Takeda-Sensei is the little giant.

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So I like this Headcanon so I'm going to make a story about it! Although I like this Headcanon I like the ship Little giant X Akiteru BUT I like Takeda-Sensei X Ukai SOOO this one will be slight Takeda-sensei X ukai

Pairing: slight takeda X ukai.
Plot: Takeda relishes in his memories of being the little giant.

Takeda's pov:

The air smelled of air salonpas, I love that smell. I could hear shoes squeaking across the floor mocking me right in my face. I could hear shouts of nice serve and nice kill. "TAKEDA-SENSEI!" I gasped as I was brought back to the present. 'Right I'm no longer him.'

"Anno yes Hinata?" I asked the orange ball of energy as he sprinted up to me.

He grinned. "You smell it too don't you!?" I raised an eyebrow in question before I realized what he was talking about.

"Oh! Uhh Hai." I said shortly rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. I spaced out as the short boy jumped around yelling to Kageyama that he wasn't the only one.

We finally made it to nationals. However all I could think about was when I was here, while present karasuno was playing. I brought my team once, but it felt like I brought them to nationals a million times over. I glanced over at the court we made it to. The third court we were against fukordani at the time and we lost.

"Sensei can you help kiyoka toss the ball to Suga and Kageyama while we wait for the bus?" Ukai-Kun asked me as he chewed on a mouth piece designed to chew on. I nodded my head and walked to kiyoka.

"Woah is that?" I heard a few men around my age talking. I glanced at the men and immediately recognized them.... oh no. They were kids I went to school with. They absolutely admired me when I was the little giant.

I went rigid when they kept talking about me. "No way he can't be!" It first caught the attention of daichi and Suga because of the way I stopped tossing to Suga during his turn.

"I can't believe it! It really is him!" Daichi and Suga looked at me but I kept my gaze toward the ball as I held it in my hand applying pressure. "The little giant!" And the ball popped attracting everyone attention to me. I watched as the boys gazed at the two males.

Barely catching their words the team looked to me their eyes wide with shock. I looked down in shame. Hinata walked up to me eye brows narrowed in shock. "You're the little g-giant?"

I sighed and nodded a smile gracing my lips. "Hai."

"But but that doesn't make any- that. WHAT!?" Hinata screamed trying to make sense of the situation.

I smiled at Hinata sadly he was dripping with sweat from the previous match they returned victorious. "I WAS the little giant I'm not him anymore." I knew how much he adored the little giant, well how much he adored past me.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE? YOU ARE!" Hinata shouted. Breathing heavily. His idol was right in front of him the entire time I wouldn't shame him for yelling.

"Hinata." Daichi said sternly at him.

Hinata looked at me like he was about to cry and I couldn't help but feel my eyes water. "I adored you. I watched every one of your matches I wanted to be you. I took all of the comments all of the bullying, teasing, hard work, I took them like they were nothing because I knew that the little giant didn't cry."

As ironic as it was I started crying. "My dad left because I didn't want to be a lawyer. I wanted to be you!" He shouted.

"H-Hinata..." I whispered watching as he broke down.

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