___X___ Why can't we love each other?

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Medieval Au 

Your choice of pairing. (Trying a new thing) 

Story Begin: 

Imagine a prince, a prince with a kingdom. A kingdom that not even he could control. 

Imagine the prince that lurks in your dreams, is in love with his maid.

Except his maid is a boy, and its a forbidden love. 

Now imagine that it's all real. 

Once upon a time-for that is how all stories begin- a prince lived lonesome in his mighty big castle. 

His castle ruled not only his kingdom but as well as the sky, for it climbed the skies 100 feet tall. 

However the lonesome prince with his castle, although he was lonesome he lived not alone. He lived with his staff, and his tired father who once ruled with a soft iron fist. 

But the more company he had the more lonely he felt. For the prince lived without love. 

Love that he could not express. 

He is in love, he is. But not with a girl. 

He's in love with a boy, a male like he. 

It's forbidden but he can't help it. 

As the prince sat with a heavy heart in his throne, he chewed his lips thinking what it was like to have love. 

His maid with glistening eyes and messy hair, made his presence known. The boy scrambled clumsily into the room, a smile on his lips. "tis a good for a stroll my highness." He inputted as he stood in front of his king.

"tis isn't it?" The prince commented feeling the warmth spread from his heart to his cheeks at the appearance of the boy maid. "Hmm, and what a better way to spend this aesthetically pleasing day then with my maid." 

The maid's eyes widened and pink bloomed to his cheeks. "My lord, if you are referring to me I shall objectify your claim to spending this day with your maid. I am male, not female, therefore I am a butler." 

"A butler with a cat's youngling's eyes." The prince retorted. "Thee who bares the looks of a female shall be addressed as she." 

The maid who has started to partake in the playful banter rebutted. "I hardly have the thought that I have the eyes of a cat, my highness." 

"Not a cat, my love. But a cat's youngling." 

The maid rolled his eyes and silently admitted defeat by switching the subject with a simple, "You've gone mad." The prince smiled wolfishly as he watched his little maid glance anywhere but at he. "I have a thought that you are not as fond of an afternoon stroll as I." 

"That's preposterous, I do fancy a stroll with my maid." The prince confirmed. 

"Butler, sire." The maid reminded. "Perhaps while I fetch your cufflinks, you will come to a realization of what I identify as." The maid then proceeded to spin around on his heels and march away with a straight back. A smile of victory adorns his face.

The prince smiled softly at the thought of his maid's face. "And who may preoccupy your mind tonight sire?" His actual maid inquired. 

"No one of concern Miss." He addressed his maid with respect. 

The maid's eyes said another. "Perhaps, this no one is of concern." She winked at the prince watching as his cheeks sported pink. "Perhaps, its a certain boy maid?"

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