Super important please read

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Hey guys! So y'all are probably wondering why I didn't update this weekend/week I guess?
So I was in extreme stomach pain all weekend and so last Sunday I was finally taken to the hospital well it turns out I had Gallstone Pancreatitis. Which is when a Gallstone (which your not supposed to have) gets into one of your ducts and it blocks your pancreas it causes extreme extreme pain. I was transferred to a children's hospital by ambulance to get a ERCP done since I'm 14 and none of the surgeons at the adult hospital felt comfortable doing it. So I was put on a Morphine drip which is a certain amount of morphine constantly being put into my body due to extreme amount of pain and when the pain gets real bad I push a button and it gives me more morphine. Well I spent the night in the children's hospital and they performed a ERCP which is they put me to sleep and then ran a camera down my throat and then removed the stone. Well after all that they found my Gallbladder was filled to the brim with stones and one was the size of a bouncy ball and then some were pretty big so they decided to remove my Gallbladder completely. So they did that surgery Thursday I think? And I've been recovering ever since. And I just got home from the hospital earlier today and I've been sleeping most of They day and such.
So yeah I've been in pretty bad pain this past week and I'm really tired constantly. Also that information might not be very reliable just because this past week has just been a huge blur for me and that is just what I have picked up on it.

Anywho long story short I no longer have a Gallbladder and I'm in pain (More sore than pain) because of the surgery and I just got home from the hospital so I'll try and update soon I'm just not sure how soon soon is going to be.

Thank you all for understanding and I'm really really sorry!

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