Bokuto Koutarou X Akaashi Keiji Your visits.

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Another request! Oh gee I got my work cut out for me!

Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou X Akaashi Keiji.

Plot: Don't worry it's fluff! Bokuto left for college, he left three months ago and he was so ready to come home. But he couldn't he had to stay away for a while but he missed his akaashi so akaashi better get used to his world famous bokuto visits.

Story begin! (Might be short sorry)

"AKAAAAAGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSHHHHHIIIIIIII!" Akaashi Keiji froze. What in the world was that? It sounded like a dying owl. Akaashi whipped around to spot Bokuto Koutarou his long distance boyfriend, who was shoving people aside to get to him. He had only a second to react which was a instinctive sigh until he was bowled over by the college student.

Everyone whispered and laughed at the reunited couple. "OMG I MISSED YOU!" Bokuto shouted and nuzzled his face into akaashi's chubby cheeks.

"Yes bokuto-san I missed you too." Akaashi Mumbled out feeling embarrassment spread onto his cheeks. There were so many people watchinnggggg.

"Awwww Akaashi you're so adorableee. HEY!" Bokuto shouted smiling noticing Akaashi's gym bag. "You're heading to the gym!?"

"Umm yes." Akaashi stuttered while he detatced himself from his 6ft overly energetic boyfriend. He stood up and saw the excited look in his boyfriend's eyes. "Would you like to come along?" Akaashi sighed.

"OOOOOH YES PLEASE!!" Bokuto shouted again jumping up and running to the gym while tugging a very confused Akaashi behind him. Akaashi sighed but smiled.

Once Bokuto dragged the very tired Akaashi all the way to the gym he stopped, and took a big huff of air. Everyone was already practicing and even the first years were running dives. Bokuto's eyes gleamed with joy.

"BOKUTO-SAN!" Everyone who knew him screamed with joy. Bokuto smiled and shouted "Yo!"

Akaashi shook his head with a smile on his face as his boyfriend left to meet the first years. He picked his duffel bag up from the floor and left to change into his practice clothes. As the captain he couldn't slack anymore than he already was. He yawned once he entered the sweat stained and stale smelling room. Bokuto will most likely take over the practice so Akaashi had time to slack, though he shouldn't be he most certainly will be slacking this practice.

Akaashi ended up sitting down to hike up his kneepads, except when he sat down on the wooden benches he felt a sigh burning his throat. He leaned his head back and let the sigh escape. He felt his eyes droop as his mind kept telling him to rise but his body told him otherwise. He finally let himself seek out sleep, who has been absent for a few weeks.

"Akaashi?" Bokuto asked as he entered the locker room. Bokuto was about to ask again but instead he found his loving boyfriend asleep on the bench, drool and cute kitten snores escaping him. Bokuto breathlessly laughed.

He noticed the darker purple baggs and the sleepier than usual eyes and the more yawns and even the tired movements. Akaashi was like a book to Bokuto.

"Oh kaashi." Bokuto sighed as he shook his lover awake.

Akaashi groaned and yawned himself awake. "Hey, let's go home Akaashi?" Bokuto asked.

Akaashi nodded and heaved himself up. Bokuto decidedly swept him up into a princess hold and left the locker room. The team was still practicing but Bokuto noticed the absense of the beautiful captain. Once Bokuto made his way across the street to Akaashi's two bedroom flat he sighed. What a good way to come back. He laid Akaashi in his bed and crawled to the other side.

Akaashi immediately snuggled into Bokuto and sighed happily. Bokuto kissed Akaashi's head and felt himself drift off to sleep with the smell and thought of his boyfriend Akaashi Keiji.

I love you.


so that was shorter than normal I'm so sorry I just couldn't think of anymore scenes I mean I would have had them have a short discussion of how Akaashi is over working himself but I felt this was much more "fluffier" If you do not like it you can request again sorry!

so yeah Anywho 

Don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own haikyuu or any of it's characters no copyright infringement intended


word count:730

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