Fml its a challenge ?

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Okay so I was challenged to do this well.... challenge? By someone who chose not to be named

Whats your real name: Charlease

6 weird facts about you:
1: I'm anemic
2: I'm The youngest of 6
3: I am terrified of the koolaid man
4: I am in a welding class
5: I am Native American
6: Famous Crime novelist Ann Rule wrote two book about my family. (My uncle murdered his wives)

What's your eye color: Dark Brown

What's your hair color: Lightish brown but still pretty dark

Last thing you ate: chocolate 🤫

Favorite TV show: Supernatural

Favorite anime: Haikyuu

Favorite book: Fml idk there's so many I love!!! Probably Death by sunset by Ann Rule (its one of the books about my uncle)

Favorite class: English


Crush: I honestly don't know but I think I might like someone in my math class

Bestfriend: Hannah (and y'all)

Pet peeve: the sound of people talking who are idiots.

Weirdest thing you've ever said: (oh gee that's hard to pick) What if like everyone's last name was "Alive" and then when they died it changed to "Dead".

Stupidest thing you've ever said: Black is not a race (IDK WHAT I WAS THINKING OR EVEN SAYING NOW I WONT LIVE IT DOWN) and Japanese is not Asian (I honestly thought they were two separate things.)

Chuck, Charles, Char, Char Char, Beans, Char Char Binx, Charzard, Sprainer, Springy, Sprinkler, Sprinkles, Springy, Cas, Mother, Uncle, Mother of all, Girl that yells a lot, CiCi, The real MVP, Airhead, Charlee, Chewbacca (that's only when I don't shave(I forget to shave sometimes)), Char but pronounced with a Sh. (I think that's it)

Funniest joke:
What did a serial killer say to his victim?

Knife to meet you.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 GAKHWKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAsomeonedatemeplsimlonely

Where do you live: Washington!!!

Pets: I have Two dogs they're Scottish Terriers Two Cats and a Tortoise (my Tortoise is a Rescue and He's adorable)

Hobbies: I only read and write and watch supernatural (seriously that's all I freaking do I either update for y'all or I'm reading to get ideas to update for y'all or I'm just watching supernatural for myself)

I have 6
4 brothers
And 2 sisters


bullied?: a little bit I guess

Favorite teachers: my Welding teacher and my Choir Teacher

Secret thing you enjoy: I actually really like being tagged in stuff and getting like comments and even if it's just chainmail honestly I just love being talked to and involved in someone's life just let me in 😫

Favorite emoji: 😇💙

Least favorite emoji: 👹

Message to followers:

I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far. I'm just a teenage girl who's constantly dealing with everyday life and I just wanted to be an author. When I came to wattpad I didn't publish anything for a year because whenever I read someone else's writing I felt like I could never be there, that I should just stay in the shadows because I'm not funny enough talented enough to be the author they are. So I never tried but then my brother just started telling me to just write something so I did and it was an Okay hit so I just started writing and writing and now I'm here, with you guys at my side. I've never felt so inspired, so accomplished then when I came here. When I joined wattpad I was in 7th grade, My two biological brothers and I just got out of a nasty fight with my dad. We didn't talk to him for 9 months and I hit my biggest depression phase, I still cut sometimes but I started then and I quit eating then too and I was just done with life. I never really thought of it as depression so I didn't think I needed help. I found comfort in books and in my books Lucy Heartfilia was going through a fight with her dad as well, Maka Albarn was cutting her wrists like me and Hinata Shouyou wasn't eating anymore and they all got out of it so I somehow believed I would too. I never thought I'd reach so many people across the world with just a book on a site that honestly doesn't even have correct punctuation and wording most of the time. I didn't think that my words and stories that I can tell would brighten so many people's day. I just never thought of it.

Bottom line is, I am so grateful for everyone who has ever given my writing a chance. Everyone even if they never comment or vote for my book, I don't care about that stuff I like it but I don't care for it, what I care about is the fact that so many people have taken the time out of their day to read my writing. Some let my writing change them for the better and others just read it because they've had a horrible day and they just need to know that Yamaguchi Tadashi did too. That somewhere out there, maybe not in the real world but somewhere someone knows how they feel. I care.

Thank you.


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