Akaashi Keiji X Bokuto Koutarou. So many minutes

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Pairing: Akaashi Keiji X Bokuto Koutarou
Plot: Bokuto writes Akaashi a letter explaining everything.

I let you go so you could find a you that didn't need me. I let you go because I knew that you didn't wanna be a doctor but a photographer. I didn't want to pressure you. But god damn highschool is where we lived. It's where I met you, my bestfriend. Its where I fell in love with so many people so many things. It's where we grew up. I didn't want to let you go especially not you but you also weren't a toy I couldn't call you mine. Day after day I fell more and more in love with your smile and you. You were always so beautiful. That night we kissed I didn't want to forget it but you were vulnerable at the time, you didn't know what you wanted. The day you shouted at me for not coming to see the team I captained I wanted to forget, I was never allowed to though. The day I saved you was the day I fell hopelessly more in love with you. When you were hovering over me crying, snot and tears never looked more attractive than when you wore it. I swallowed back a lot of things while you were gone one especially being my pride. I mended relationships and tore one apart that one being ours. I loved you and I couldn't take what I thought would be heart break so I didn't tell you. I've lived with regret since the day I met you and god damnit I didn't even know regret could hurt like this. Kuroo gave me alcohol but the whole time I was drooling over myself and giggling I was thinking about how I still hurt you. When I saw Hinata and Kageyama again they were dating along with tsukki and the pinch server, I like to call him Yama. Yeah everyone's with everyone. Remember when Hinata was still a first year? He was crazy for me, he adored me and I adored him. Yeah now he's one step away from being the little giant actually I think he's already accomplished that but he says he still needs more improvements. I miss you. This what ever you may call it is cold without you. I like to think it's the afterlife but my demon his name is grim, tells me it's not. I guess this place isn't so bad but then again I've only been here for so many minutes. Someday I'm going to make this right I promise you because Akaashi Keiji I still love your eyes, your smile, your thighs, your hair, your personality, even your nose and ears, I also love your tosses and your calloused hands from working them day and night, I love your skin, I love you. And I'm sorry I couldn't man up and tell you, because I was still scared. What a coward I am right?

"Oh bokuto-San I love you too..."

Yeh not long just felt like writing it so yeah I may add on this was inspired by a separate story from a different author so I don't own the plot I guess so yeah

Don't forget stay tuned have a nice day and


I do now own Haikyuu!! Or any of its characters I also do not own the previous plot no copyright infringement intended


word count: 579

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