When karasuno catches up.

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Not a ship but a short story of the captains/schools and you'll see.

Plot: when Karasuno finally catches up.

"You're loosing your touch Karasuno." Shiratorizawa said to the blackened crow.

"Your spikes aren't as strong as they once were Karasuno." Fukorodani chided the black bird that wings weren't as black.

"Your tosses aren't as sharp Karasuno." Seijoh admitted to the crow who's talons weren't as sharp.

"You've lost more receives Karasuno." Nekoma snickered at the bird who's eyes were turning dull.

The blackened crow hurt by his friends fell behind. He lost his touch, he lost the feel of the leather ball against his fingers, he's lost his noise.

The five strong teams once walked as one, they walked from court to court trying to find their noise, their touch, their voice in volleyball. But when one fell behind how was he supposed to catch up?

Day by day, month by month, the blackened crow fell stuck on a court that was played on far too many times, but was lost far too many times to move on.

Flightless crow, clipped crow, the falling crow, names that ring in the blackened crows life. The crow never tried to fly because he was convinced his wings were of no longer working. he was convinced his talons were not as sharp, his wings were not as black and his eyes were dull.

So hopping along the ground, the crow found garbage and ate his pride to find some food. He scavenged the area, of anything that would fear the crow enough for him to feel pride, but every time he came up shorthanded.

But one day water splashed the crows wings and revealed a shiny black. With amazement the crow flapped his wings and in shock he floated off the floor but he fell back down before he could go soaring through the sky. 'A fluke.' He thought with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

"Your wings are blacker Karasuno." Seijoh noted, already sensing the crows pride.

"I am aware seijoh." Karasuno said to the strong team who met him on his court.

With blackened wings stretching across the sky, Karasuno glided through the air once again but they were clumsy and had their eyes shut scared to fall to the ground.

When Karasuno flew above seijoh, Karasuno flew home victorious. However seijoh didn't have the ace they did and Karasuno didn't have their talons sharpened, this was just child's play.

"Your talons are sharper Karasuno." Nekoma noticed.

The crow who sharpened his talons on concrete grew prideful. "I am aware Nekoma."

But the cats defended their home and Karasuno flew home defeated, his talons were not sharp enough against claws.

When Karasuno tried to fly high they were brought down by seijoh and were forced into defeat. The crow flew home with tears in his blurred dull eyes, deaf to his noise and blind to his touch Karasuno convinced himself he was never going to make it to the top.

"Your spikes aren't as strong Karasuno." Fukorodani boasted poking at the black crow who hung his head in shame.

"I am aware fukorodani that is why I came for help. I want to change, so I can fly at the top once more." With a smirk and a smile fukorodani snickered at the crows dreams but didn't doubt he'd fly again.

Karasuno polished everything he had to work with. He made running attacks to fly higher and he sharpened his talons against concrete so he wouldn't be defeated by claws. Karasuno bit his pride and did all of the penalties when he flew too low.

Karasuno worked like a clock when the cogs would work he would work, but when the cogs would stop he would stop.

"Your eyes aren't as dull Karasuno." Fukorodani and nekoma noted on the lean crow.

"I am aware fukorodani nekoma." Karasuno stated proudly.

Karasuno flew higher than anyone when the day finally came. But when he met seijoh he was met with a fight.

"Your wings are still black Karasuno." Seijoh stated to the crow.

"I am aware seijoh." Karasuno said with a prideful look in his eyes. He finally found his noise his touch. Jumping from the ground, he was flying, only black feathers fell this time. When seijoh fell defeated he rose victorious.

"A sapling must have good soil in order to grow strong, infertile soil will not bring forth splendid fruit."

A noise echoed through out the room. A noise that could only be a ball smashing into the wooded floor.

"I'm Karasuno from the concrete. And I will fly higher than you."


That was a fun short story! Anywho I'll be updating an actual story tonight hopefully I'll probably be working these past few days on more captain stories and trying to do ships I haven't really done yet like asanoya and daisuga and stuff like that! Anywho

Don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own haikyuu or any of its characters no copy right infringement intended


Word count: 851

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