The little giant X Tsukishima Akiteru A past conflict unsolved until today

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Just to be clear HC means head canon and in this one Takeda-sensei is NOT the little giant.

Pairing: Tsukkishima Akiteru X little giant

Plot: the little giant finds Hinata through a few emails and a lot of persuasion however he also meets an old friend and an old lover?

(Just to be clear Akihiko is going to be a name I use a lot since I love it so much I will explain Akihiko's appearance before the story!)

Akihiko will basically look like Hinata but with Kageyama's heighth (he's yama's height okay?) and hair color as well as eye color. (See media for that picture ^)

Story begin!:
LG's pov:

It took me a long time, it took me a long time to get over my high school volleyball career coming to an end. I didn't quite see it coming to an end at first, I wanted to skip college and stay at Karasuno as a coach, but Coach Ukai insisted I could be so much more than a smelly old man who works at a gas station.

With lots of arguments and lots of talks I was persuaded to actually go to college. I graduated with a masters in journalism, so here I am stuck in an office writing the news paper. I've never even seen anyone read the newspaper! I sighed heavily at the job I was so blessed to have. I was currently writing a section about teens and their "laziness".

"Ah there you are Dude!" LG what a stupid nickname. It stands for Little Giant a nickname I never particularly liked that was given to me by pesky news writers in my high school volleyball career.

"Yes?" I asked my co-worker who just so happen to have forgotten my real name and just has been calling me dude and bro for the last five years hoping I wouldn't notice, oh I noticed alright.

"Boss wants you in his office in like four minutes."

"WHAT? I swear if I'm late and get fired because of you!" I shouted grabbing some things and running to his office which just so happenly to be on the highest floor of the building and I was on the bottom!

I shoved my finger multiple times into the elevator button but with no luck. "Stairs it is then." I mumbled to myself running up the first flight with ease. It was the fifth flight that got me regretting all those jelly doughnuts I eat, aw who am I kidding I could never regret that gooey strawberry yumminess in my mouth!

Once I finally made it to the top of floor 20 I took a breath and nearly collapsed. "NO TIME!" I told myself as I broke into a run down the hallway and into large double doors that sat at the end of the hall.

"You're fired." He uttered as soon as I made it into the room.

"Eh?" I asked him, just to be sure I got the memo.

He looked up from the papers that adorned his desk and stared at me with a glare. "F.i.r.e.d. That's what you are. No more pay check for you." He said it with such a snarky tone I wish I could punch him, but unless I wanted to get my ass handed to me I couldn't.

"Umm what? I'm sorry sir, but why?" I asked him, panic starting to rise in my body. Did he find out I ate his doughnuts?

"You're a lousy worker, it took you 30 minutes to get up to my office." Okay good it's not about the doughnuts. "And you ate my doughnuts." CRAP!

"H-hai sir." I dragged my feet out of the spacious office and all the way down to the first floor.

"Hey bro how'd it go?" My co-worker who was currently flirting with the office beauty asked.

I looked at him and sighed, although he wasn't my favorite he was my only friend in the office. "Not so good I got fired..."

"WHAT?! REALLY?!" He exclaimed tearing himself away from her grasp to counsel me. I however continued walking to my cubicle to pack up.

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