Yamaguchi Tadashi X Tsukishima Kei Our complicated happy ending

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This was a request ^^

Pair: Yamaguchi Tadashi X Tsukishima Kei

Plot: He was cheating, he was a cheater. And everytime he came home with perfume stained into his clothes and an irritable mood, it broke me further. I am still in love with a cheater.


Story begin.

I never understood how people could stay in relationships with cheaters. I mean I guess at that point its just a one-sided crush. A one-sided disaster. I also could never understand how oblivious the cheated on was towards the cheater. I never understood until I was there.

He comes almost everyday covered in vanilla perfume. And although it smells great and I wouldn't mind having that smell as a candle, I was still upset.

I don't understand how just the mention of vanilla now made me sick to my stomach. He or she stole away everything from me. Well not everything but still, everything. I AM NOT OKAY.


He was home. Tsukki, my boyfriend of over 10 years, yeah we've been dating since 6th grade. I didn't think it was possible for someone to fall out of love, well that changed. Because I was the one who was in a one-sided crush relationship, I was in a one-sided disaster. Why did I have to be the one who was oblivious, the one that still was in love.

I stayed still in the kitchen, I was currently cutting fruit for our dinner, I was an english teacher but Tsukki was a worker at the local animal recovery, he didn't believe in animal incagement but he also wanted to work with animals while he was getting his vetrainarian degree.

He used to come home with so many stories, he especially adored the orca whale they had in the ocean that they had to capture since the poor baby was sick with as of now a terminal illness. He loved the orca to death, the few times I would visit him at work I would catch him eating his lunch outside next to the cove they coraled off. Tsukki named the baby orca, Garth.

Tsukki jiggled the door and walked into our one bed flat. He sighed and threw his keys onto the hook and shoved off his shoes. He once again got home 2 hours later than normal. The tension around us have been so tense that I couldn't talk to him about his day, he was constantly clearing his throat and opening his mouth and sweating. And smelling of vanilla scented perfume.

I bit my lower lip as I sniffed trying to force the tears back. I started cutting the banana for our fruit salad. I was so lost in thought that I sliced my finger. I didn't even notice until I went to shove the banana into a bowl but I caught the red. Suddenly pain started to be apparent, I gasped and started to tear up. I gritted my teeth and ran to grab a dish towel, I didn't make a sound to notify Tsukki. I couldn't find them, finally a strangled sob made it's way out of my mouth.

I saw Tsukki perk up out of the corner of my eye. He strided into the kitchen and sighed once he saw my bloody hands now. He laughed breathlessly, I felt a blush start to blossom across my cheeks.

"Of course you cut yourself." Tsukki mumbled with a hint of amusement. I snorted a bit, of course my snort was unattractive.

Tsukki smiled and left for a minute and came back with a first aid kit. He started cleaning and wrapping my cut. It almost, for one second felt like he wasn't cheating, that he was just misunderstood. But then he moved too quickly and I caught the scent of vanilla in the air.

A new set of tears started spewing from my eyes, I bit my lip as hard as possible, to at least attempt to keep all of them in. "What's wrong?" Tsukki mumbled as he glanced up and noticed the tears.

"Are-are you cheating on me?" I whispered shakily. A look of shock and understanding blossomed into Tsukki's eyes.

He pulled me into a hug and I finally felt a weight lift off my shoulders. "Why would you think that?"

"I-I don't know, you've just been so distant and coming home late and-and you smell like vanilla perfume and I love the smell of vanilla and *Hic* I just want it to not smell on you how I think it does and *Hic*-" Lips were pressed into mine. I hiccuped and sniffed into the kiss.

Once we seperated Tsukki cupped my cheeks that felt like lava with his freezing hands. "Tadashi I would never do that to you."

"I know..." I sniffled. But thats the thing I didn't know. I didn't know that I would be sitting in his arms at 6:30 pm sniffling and ugly hiccuping with snot running into my mouth, greaat.

"Actually, I think nows the best time, not ideal but the best." Tsukki untangled himself from me, and bent down on one knee. He smiled a little and reached into his pocket. Was he gonna cut my feet off or something. He pulled out a black velvet box, what.

He popped it open and grinned adorably. "Tadashi I love you, more than everything, even dinosaurs. So would you maybe marry me?"

I laughed, "Wait seriously I'm in my pajamas?" It was true I was in my bumble bee pajamas made out of fleece.

"I would rather have you in your bumble bee pajamas than you in a suit." He smiled and chuckled.

I grinned my ugly lopsided grin and nodded.

Oh how stupid was I?

Finally I put everything together. The vanilla perfume, how could I forget that was yachi, the irritable moods he was probably frustrated he couldn't get it out of the way and he had to wait. The tension was if I said no and everything else was just me.

God, I'm pathetic...


Okay that's that! sorry it was so late I procrastinated and yada yada yada and also went and got a haircut and watched more supernatural then frantically did this story!!!!

I hope you enjoyed and dont be afraid to tell me you didn't I can either re-do it with the same plot and pairing or whatever!


Don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own haikyuu or any of it's characters No copyright infringement intended!


word count: 1090

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